This is a small little script I wrote for going through all administrator roles in your O365 tenant and listing out the members of each. This can be handy if you feel like you’re losing control over who has what permission in the tenant or someone says the classic “I want what he has”.
$DateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm" $LogFile = ("C:\temp\get_all_msolrolemembers-" + $DateStamp + ".csv") # Defining the log function Function LogWrite { Param ([string]$logstring) Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring } LogWrite ("msolrole;email;displayname;islicensed") $msolroles = get-msolrole foreach($role in $msolroles) { $rolemembers = get-msolrolemember -roleobjectid $role.objectid foreach($rolemember in $rolemembers) { LogWrite ($ + ";" + $rolemember.emailaddress + ";" + $rolemember.DisplayName + ";" + $rolemember.islicensed +";") } }
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