
I’m baffled at how mankind is still alive!

During the past year I’ve been surprised again and again and how much can go wrong with a pregnancy and how it all of a sudden can go bad! Ofcourse I knew it had it’s risks, I watched E.R like everyone else in the 90’s but still didn’t know it was that much that could go wrong! Not to mention the actual “giving birth” part! I’m a bit scared to even imagine how they did it a thousand year’s ago.

But now that he’s actually out there’s still a few hundred or so defects that won’t show up, like PKU (“phenylketonuria”), I’d never even heard about that before!

And to top all of that – the infant is completely helpless and at mercy of others for a solid 2-3 years atleast! Check the animal kingdom, what other animal needs to protect and feed it’s offspring for that long!? How long does it take for a foal to walk? Hours? Takes a year for a human baby!

It’s really quite amazing how we’re not extinct!!

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