You’re the administrator of an Office 365 tenant and/or on-prem Exchange and Active Directory and you need to make bulk changes to a group of people and you have a list with UPNs ready to use.
There really is no problem but it may be very repetetive tasks.
This script will read the file “C:\temp\list_of_upns.txt“, which is just a list of UPN’s, and iterate through them making the change you want. Since I make alot of the same changes to different users depending on what I need. I simply un-comment by removing the “#” for whatever I need to script to change on the user. And remember to put the “#” back in to comment if you want it to do something else or you may end up doing unwanted things on the objects (like converting a bunch of on-prem mailboxes to Room mailboxes, true story!)
# Written by : Kristoffer Strom ([email protected]) # Date: 2017-02-20 # #Starting the loop ForEach ($user in $(Get-Content C:\temp\list_of_upns.txt )) { write-host $user #Set-Mailbox $user -Type shared #$userdn = get-aduser -Filter{UserPrincipalName -eq $user} -properties DistinguishedName #$DN = Get-ADUser -Filter { UserPrincipalName -Eq $user } #set-aduser $DN -Replace @{extensionAttribute1 = "REPLACEMENTTEXT"} #set-aduser $DN -clear extensionAttribute1, extensionAttribute1, AdminDisplayname, AdminDescription #remove-adgroupmember -Identity "ADGROUP" -Member $DN #Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $user -RemoveLicenses "XXXXXXXXXX:ENTERPRISEPACK" #Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $user -RemoveLicenses "XXXXXXXXXX:POWER_BI_STANDARD" }
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