Bulk Converting Domains To Federated

You’re the administrator of an Exchange environment with lots of domains registered over the years for whatever reasons, as an example different business units with different e-mail domains. You’ve added them all to the Azure AD and verified them but now you need to tie them to the AD Federation Service (ADFS).

Problem is it takes alot of time to first sort out all domains that are verified and then federating them, a very tedious task.

Solution is you export all your domains into a CSV file (just listing all the domainnames is fine), the run this script and it will import the CSV file and for every entry it will check to make sure if it’s verified and if so, federate it with the ADFS. Remember to run this on the ADFS server and the Powershell needs to be launched as administrator!

# Written by : Kristoffer Strom ([email protected])
# Date: 2017-02-08
# Let's begin by importing the file. Change the filename "CSV_FILENAME.csv" to whatever you see fit.
$domains = Import-Csv CSV_FILENAME.csv
# And now we iterate through every entry
foreach ($domain in $domains)
  # Getting the status of the domain
  $domainstatus = get-msoldomain -DomainName $domain.DomainName
  # If it's already federated we just say that and move onto the next one
  if($domainstatus.Authentication -eq "Federated") { write-host -Foregroundcolor Yellow "$domain is already federated." }
    # If it's verified we federated it
    ElseIf($domainstatus.Status -eq "Verified") { Convert-MsolDomainToFederated -DomainName $domain.DomainName -SupportMultipleDomain:$true; write-host -Foregroundcolor Green "$domain.DomainName changed to federated" }
    # Or if it's not Verified or doesn't exist we write this error
    ElseIf($domainstatus.Status -ne "Verified") { write-host -Foregroundcolor Red "$domain is not verified or does not exist in tenant." }
# End of iteration

You could replace the import of the CSV file to read out all the UPN suffixes from your domain. If you’ve done your job for a proper O365 migration you’ve made sure all the UPN’s match their e-mails then all e-mail domains should exist as a UPN suffix. If you want to do that, replace the line “$domains = Import-Csv CSV_FILENAME.csv” with this:

$ADForest = Get-ADForest
$domains = $ADForest.UPNSuffixes

Another option is to do a get-msoldomain and filter on “Verified” domains only. But beware, this will tie all verified domains to your ADFS, be sure you really want that! If you do, replace the “$domains=” statement with this:

$domains = Get-MsolDomain -Status Verified

This script can easily be converted into one that does the initial adding of the domains, but since every domain added gets a vertification code backs doing that in bulk is less than ideal.

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