Happy Birthday To Us!

If you’ve done your math you might now what today is?…

No? Well no surprise really. But it is one year ago today that me and the love of my life, Helena, met for the first time on a weird walkathon date in Stockholm, the date that ended with me making the wrong “kiss or hug?”-choice. But even with that little hick-up we ended up falling in love, and me moving in with her and now even looking at buying a house! Things are awesome between us!! One hickup or two but pretty much awesome!

I just love her! I love how she can talk in that cute little girlish way, how can be so adult and cold with the banking people, how she drives like a maniac, how she laughs at people messing up, love making love with her and love how she makes me feel! It’s awesome!!!

To celebrate it we’re going out to our favorite restaurant tonight and this weekend we’re going away to some mansion and staying the night without a care in the world!!

Life is good!!

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