Damn, Did I Do That Again!?

I guess I forgot all about this place again! Everythings been so hectic recently, have had a full schedule for weeks now. Not that I’m complaining really. But me and my Helena are getting along nicely, I’d think that by now we’d start to see the bad sides of each other and just say “maybe this wasn’t meant to be”. But we’re not, and it is! Seriously, everytime I’m around her everything else just goes away and I can’t think straight. Love it! 🙂

And two weeks ago we went to see her brother and his family, what a crazy hilarious bunch that was. Loved that too.

And now I’m loving being on vacation, having time to catch up on movies, tv series and gaming. Unfortunately I peaked 98 kilos two weeks ago so I went out and bought me a copy of Civilization : Revolution for the Playstation3 and got up on my bike again. Down to 94 again but I really should try to get below 90 for the first time since my teens.

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