Learn to communicate!

This weekend we had a kick-off conference thing planned for the entire IT department at work, which is a total of 13 people. The last 2 events we’ve done haven’t been that successfull so my expecations weren’t high at all. And when we got there and there was a guy there that started talking that we were gonna learn to communicate better and that’d help us professionally as well as privately. My usual “yeah right, as if he knows my job, this ain’t gonna help me one bit”-persona kicked in but I am at least gonna hear him out. So I listened to him carefully and followed his arguments and stuff he said and… well, I don’t think he said much I didn’t already know and not alot that we couldn’t figure out for ourselves and most of it was “ofcourse”, but his way of presenting it and giving real life examples and adapting to exactly how it would help me every day thinking about those things and how to deal with people of different personalities and handling stuff like that, it was quite interesting. And it certainly will affect me professionally, no doubt about it. Personally?… probably not, but we’ll see. Overall a very good weekend. And I got to do a bit of cooking when we actually had to cook our own 4 course dinner which was pretty fun. Just too bad it sucks cooking dinner when you’re single 🙂

I tried avoiding the camera as well but one guy from our Gothenberg branch caught me and I’m pretty happy with the result! (yes, photoshopped slightly)

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