This may be getting old but I can’t help but to be amazed at how fast this has gone! I mean in the past decades everyone has become aware that we’re slowly killing this planet, but just in the past few years it’s become pretty obvious to anyone how bad it is and now it’s really bad! I invite every person saying this talk about greenhouse-effect is overhyped to come to stockholm now! Sweden is joked to have polar bears on the streets and here we are in april and it’s summer! The sun is shining, it’s 20 degrees and everyone is enjoying an afterwork beer out in the sun. This is so f*cked up. And it may be one reason why my allergies is back so damn hard after 15 years. And it’s a good argument not to have kids today – would you want your kids to inherit what we screwed up ? 🙂
Or to quote Stanley in “The Rock” – “I mean it, honey, the world is being Fed-exed to hell in a hand cart. I really believe anyone even thinking of bringing a child into the world is coldly considering an act of cruelty.”
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