Size Is A Funny Thing

About a year ago when I was out to buy some clothes again I was looking at the 42″ shelf while buying pants, which was kinda embarrassing and also limited the choice of clothes I could actually buy (if I wanted to wear them that is). But after last July’s awful exercise in laziness and me almost hitting 120 kilos I spent half of august and most of September going down and I almost reached 100 before I called it quits. It just wasn’t fun and I enjoy food too much and when you’re counting the calories while exercising it’s kinda hard to enjoy a big dinner without thinking “how many hours is this on the treadmill”. And yesterday was actually the first time I’ve been out shopping clothes since then and I can now squeeze into a 38″ pants. That’s sweet 🙂

And speaking of nutritional diets and tying that in with the talk about advertisements – Delicato, who makes really good but not that nutritious snacks and cookies, are doing a major PR campaign at the moment. And the point of them all is “our food isn’t healthy”! My favorite is the one saying “Warning: May contain traces of vitamins and minerals”.

Going out to a party tonight with some of the SoulCrusher gang. It’s a warm-up to our 10 year anniversary party tomorrow. Not looking forward to Sunday…

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