People Are Idiots

My old saying “a person is smart but people are idiots” was proven once again today. I decided to go into Stockholm an hour earlier today to get some shopping done. I got to H&M and when I came in there was a sea of chicks there in front of me. Normally I wouldn’t complain but these weren’t the nice, gentle, fun and loving bunch of women, oh no, it was women out to get their piece of Madonnas’ new clothing collection that premiered today. I’ve never witnessed this kinda thing before, always heard jokes about it. And it was so hilarious but pathetic at the same time how people who are normally intelligent behaves like a pack of animals like this… then I walked passed the lot and had the entire male section to myself.

And the other day I had a link to a hilarious commercial. Well today I have this link which is an ad for computer developers. It’s fun in all languages but I can’t be bothered to translate it all for you, but let’s say it’s full of irony, sarcasm and jokes at computer geeks expense. All good!!

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