Back To The Bloodbank

Today I donated blood. Again. For the 10th time. And when you hit that mark you get your first pin. Me so proud 🙂 Unfortunately it was a really bad day for the nurse who failed miserably at getting a good vein so my muscles are pretty sore and I’m bound to be a bit blueish tomorrow. Small price to pay I think.

And then the superficial part of me kicked in. The part of my brain I wanna turn off since it goes off on tangents with all kinds of crazy ideas and observations… don’t read on if you wanna keep on respecting me… I may very well be spoiled with all the beautiful women at work and in Stockholm, I just need to walk around the block and I’ll see atleast 10 gorgeous women… but I have yet to find the ward for beautiful women in hospitals. Seriously, where are they? Every time I’ve been to a hospital you may see a cute nurse or two but that’s it.. Why is that? Does it mean beautiful women have superior DNA and doesn’t get sick as much as the rest of us? Or is it because women aren’t that beautiful before they got their make-up on (which most of the women at hospitals haven’t bothered with)? Oh the great mysteries of life. To be continued…

Oooo, ice cream…

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