Tons Of Fun!

Oh that was one of the best weekends of my life ! ! ! The background story : When I’ve played Warcraft in our old guild, “Evil Inc”, we had alot of italians. One of them was called “Dago” (real name is Mario). So now that our guild is kind of splitting up me and my buddy Mats decided that we have to pay him a visit seeing as we have been playing and talking to eachother over the internet for a year now. So on friday we started our journey to Milan…

Friday : After an uneventful drive to Skavsta we checked in. Knowing Ryan Air hates luggage we decided to only have one carry on with us each and they warned us about new regulations and bla bla, “whatever, I’ve done this a few times”… but oh no, now there are really strict regulations regarding how volume of liquids per container and all that stuff so they confiscated my shampoo, hairspray and stuff. And after that I walked 10 meters to the tax free and bought new stuff. Doh!
Flying down there was uneventful, found the bus into Milan and taxi home to Mario at around 9 pm. Then we decided to go out for a real italian pizza, a beer and just talk. Naturually it was one of the best pizzas ever and we had no problem talking about everything. Then we got home to his place at midnight. Great time to go to bed… NOT! Mario had called some of his students from the snobby school he works at and set us up at Milan’s hippest club where they had VIP passes. I don’t do the club scene that much but that was pretty sweet and they were great, but unfortunately you can’t talk that much. Came back at 4-4.30 something and tried getting some sleep but failed _totally_!

Saturday : After not sleeping at all it was time to get up at 11 for breakfast (and got served coffee in bed!). Then we went out to the shopping part of Milan where we found a huge, sweet cathedral and Mats went crazy with my camera ’cause he loves these things. And my own church – the Ferrari store! After some shopping it was time for lunch – best lunch ever! And after that we went out to his home town of Piacenza where we checked into the Holiday Inn and got an hour of sleep before we went to the next party! We met up with some 20 other warcraft players and some other randoms in a nice little restaurant outside of Piacenza and we sat down for a very long 4 dishes (and 4 hour!) long meal. It was so fun meeting all these people I’ve played with and the bizarroness of the situation, 2 clueless swedes with 20 crazy italians, half of which could barely speak english, it was just great fun. And the food was absolutely awesome! We got home at around 2.30 and this time I had no problem falling asleep.

Sunday: We got up at around 11 and got ready for another long day. We were all very very very tired so we stoped by a nice little street cafe for coffee and walked around the town for a bit, checked out the local cathedral and then we met up with some of the people from the night before for a little lunch. It was suppose to be little cause they said it was a “slice of pizza”. Yeah, it was a slice of a pizza – a 2 meter pizza!! And the crust was like an 3 cm. thick and 1/2 cm thick layer of mozarella all wrapped up in ham. Massive but oh what a feeling. Somehow everything tastes better in Italy 🙂
After that we went out to a little midevil tourist town and walked around in there for a while looking at swords and stuff we’d never get through customs, but it was nice anyway.
Then we went back to Milan to get the bus back to the airport. After the checkin and security screening and again being robbed of my shampoo and now even hairspray we were ready to get going home. But oh no, due to fog the plane had been redirected to it’s alternate airport so we had to take busses over there. That shouldn’t be a problem, right? but it took around 3 hours and we lifted off at 23:59:30 as opposed to 20:35:00! The reason I know it was 30 seconds before midnight is because the captain kept yelling that the aiport shuts down at midnight since it was close to a residential area and we had to leave NOW! And we made it with 30 seconds! Landed at 3 and got home and crawled into bed at 4 am, got up at 10 and went back to work!

Oh man what a weekend that was! It totally owned everything! The food, the company, the atmosphere, everything was just awesome!!!
(pictures coming soon)

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