Money isn’t so funny

Interesting day I had today. Rewind a week when I went over my budget for Christmas and come to the frightening conclusion I HAVE NO budget for Christmas! For some reason I can’t phantom I have no savings or anything and my finances are down the drain. But fortunately I have a very supportive family so I’ll make it somehow. Reminds me of the 111th Rule of Aquisition – “Treat people in your debt like family…exploit them.”. ANYWAY, I joked that my car breaking down would be like the worst thing that could happen. And on saturday it started making noises. Nothing big, just… inconvinient. But today when I was driving home it got worse and by the time I got home I drove it right into the shop. Again! Probably the rear brakes. So by now I was pretty upset over the bad timing, but what can you do. So I get home and realise that they changed my rear brakes two years ago so there should be some warranty on that job. Then I spend about 3 hours going through old papers and drawers full of old “should save just in case”-things. And this is when the day turned around from annoying to a great nostalgic event. Going through old stuff and finding things like our airline tickets from our trip to Greece, old photos and even our high school photoalbums! Damn that was fun! I didn’t find what I was looking for ofcourse, but hey, I’m a computer engineer not a filing clerk! (I actually found my old engineering diploma!)

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