Isn’t music amazing? I don’t know any other medium that can give you that kind of emotional responses or bring back memories like music can. I mean, who can hear a song like “Total Eclips of the Heart” without being effected in somehow, and who can help but to sing along to “Tubthumping”. Or help getting goose bumps when Moby’s “Everloving” kicks off? And there are songs that you just immediately connect to specific events. I heard Spin Doctors’ “Two Princes” the other day which brought me back to summer of -92 and me kicking back at the finishing line at the annual school run. I never ran since I had asthma so I was just sitting there enjoying the summer which pissed off everyone of my classmates. That why I love music.
Have I seen too many movies if the only way I can rate movies is by referring to other movies?
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