I saw an interesting mini-documentary about the so called “Patriot Act” that was passed after 9/11. It basically gives alot of agencies in the states alot of power to do alot of things to their citizens and even more to people “just visiting”. People who, from the “governments” point of view, is un-patriotical (remember that old “you’re either with us or against us”-speech?) will be put on “look out” lists that makes it diffcult for them to for example take an airplane. And there’s no way of appealing that either, so it’s not an official agency handling stuff like that. And now there’s a Number II coming that will “encourage” civilians to report un-patriotical behavior to the authorities. Meaning neighbor will spy on neighbor.
This is pretty scary if you’ve seen Babylon 5! Over the course of the first 3 1/2 years of that show it showed the Earth government doing just this! Setting up special agencies to deal with patriotism, setting up a Homeguard and “encouraging” people to report un-patriotical behavior and so on. Pretty scary how 7 year old storytelling seems to come true. “Land of the free” my ass… And now I guess I can forget about flying to the states anytime soon if “they” were to see this place with all the bush bashing. Because it’s not only limited to Americans! Right after 9/11 “they” set up a list of people & organizations the felt were supporting terrorist activites. And somewhere in that list was a tiny little organization in Sweden that helped imigrants and also helped them to send money back to their families in the middle east. But because they were on that list they weren”t allowed to do anything at all. And same problem with appealing… “to whom?”

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