Making The Most Of My Time

Having a wife, house and a son is really time consuming. Gone are the days when I could just tuck myself in in my couch and have a “24” marathon. Or even watch TV shows – cause as things are now if one of us doesn’t like a TV show it’s hard to find the time to watch it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, just observing that nothing is perfect and even though I may look back at my 10 years of single-life in my rented apartment in Huddinge as a bit of waste of time it did have some upsides compared to my life today – I’d be lying if I said anything else. But it doesn’t mean I want that life back! But I digress …

One of the things I missed out on was watching shows like “Stargate SG-1”. Which, for a huge sci-fi nerd like myself, really was my loss. Ironically I watched “Stargate Atlantis” for a while and absolutely love “Stargate Universe”. But I’m slowly making up for it. About a year ago I bought myself an android tablet. And even though it’s already old technology-wise it still let’s me watch through that show a little bit at a time. Because I’m done sitting idly on the train for 30 minutes just waiting. So nowadays I’m watching “Stargate SG-1” instead, usually get through one episode per day, sometimes two when the trains are messing up. The only problem is it’s kinda hard to watch a sci-fi show, which has some darkness in it, when it’s daylight. I’m all the way into season 4 now and so far it’s good. Sometimes I hear an echo in my head going “Star Trek did it” but hey, you can’t run a show for 10 years without having some influence from the leading sci-fi franchise!

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