The Internet is great for alot of things. One of those things is when you hear a quote and wanna check it up. Unfortunately, as everyone should know by now, you can’t really trust the results when searching at Google for example.

And when they offed Bin Laden a quote was circulating and attributed to Martin Luther King Jr. It was a good quote (“I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy) but as it turns out it wasn’t him. Fortunately we still have some real journalists out there who actually do their fact-checks about stuff like this. And unfortunately we still have tabloids like Swedish Aftonbladet that will print anything on their website to make people click it. Like the other day when they said Chuck Lorre called Charlie Sheen a heroic addicted monkey. Had they just checked around they… well they probably would still have printed the story ’cause it’s juicy stuff, just not really good journalism. And that makes me a sad panda.


I’m moving my blog to Blogspot. “Why?”… there are lots of reasons why!

Number one is my ability to update! With blogspot I can just send in a mail on my iPhone on the way to work, while in a meeting or slacking in the couch. I don’t have to log into a computer, find the site, login and browse my way to it.

Number two is the interaction part. You guys and girls can now comment on things here on Blogspot or their affiliates. Not gonna allow anonymoous because if you can’t put your name on what you’re saying maybe you shouldn’t say it.

Then ofcourse there are alot of other benefits too, like the tagging and stuff. I’ll have a huge job ahead of me migrating all of the updates from my database to this one but hopefully won’t be too hard. My photogallery will still be on my own servern though!

What do you think, is this a good thing or am I a sellout? πŸ™‚

Yeah, I’m Still Alive

My life has turned into a series of routines as it is right now when I’m on parental leave. It’s just a matter of keeping the son happy, well fed and.. well that’s all really, everything else is a bonus! And I get about 1-2 hours of “else” every day which right now goes to “Starcraft 2”. Yeap, I finally gave up on “World of Warcraft”, it just wasn’t as rewarding continuing on lvl 85 as I’d hope. “Starcraft 2” is still challenging, I have a 50% win rate which I guess is as it was meant to be played (because the more you win, the higher rank you are and the better your opposition is so when you’re ranked perfectly I guess 50% is just the way it’s supposed to be).

ANYWAY, I’m going back to work in 4 weeks time, probably gonna spend the first week just catching up to what’s new and even what’s old since I haven’t been there for 6 months! Other than that everything is good, we’re still waiting for a place at some daycare so we can both work full time, not sure how that’s gonna work out otherwise!

Also trying to catchup with movies since we have missed alot since Sam was born. So far the best one has been “Tron 2” that we actually saw at the movies in 3D. But then again, you’d expect nothing else from a computer geek, right πŸ™‚

Also updated alot in my photo album so check it out. You should know the password by now!

Image album finally fixed

I’ve finally fixed the image album! So now you can all check the latest pictures of my son Sam πŸ™‚ The password is still the name of my employer, all in lower case letters.

Here is the link to the image gallery.
Here is the direct link to the “best of Sam” album.

New Imagegallery

Hey everyone. As I mentioned in the update a few days ago I was working to get a new imagegallery up and running. It’s based on “ImageVue” which has some really cool things going for it but it lacked any form of password protection which made it impossible for me to use. Publishing pictures of me or my family has never been a problem but now when more than half of the pictures I take feature Helena or a member of her family I’ve had to have a password so noone can google their way there. For some reason Helena have been very good at keeping herself off the grid!

Anyway, here it is!

As before the username is “friend” and the password is the name of the company I work for, with a capital first letter. I know it’s easy to figure out but it’s good enough to keep it off Google anyway!!

I haven’t had the time to tag and put captions on all of the photos yet but the albums themselves should be tagged. I had to put the years 1975 to 2005 into a sub-album because otherwise the menu would’ve gone on forever!

I hope you like it. I do!

Big Deal For Me, Not Much For Anyone Else

You may have noticed this site is a bit faster now?.. that’s because I’ve setup a webserver at home that is hosting this site, so you no longer have to go through the states and it doesn’t share the server with NataliePortman.com. So it’s all good for everyone. Except my electric bill πŸ™‚

Report and pics from Czech Republic

Here you can find my report regarding what went down in the Czech Republic during the weekend and here you can find some pictures as well.

To put it mildly it was an awesome weekend! I was afraid it might turn out to be boring and “same old, same old” but it was just great fund and actually motivating!!

New Design!

Ok, here’s the new design. It’s FAR from complete. Still need to do a cool logo and fill the content and write alot of stuff but I thought the old one was too old now…

Did I Say That?

Over the past few days I’ve been corresponding with a person in the USA about some of the stuff I wrote in my essay-things a while back. “A while back” in this case is 2001. But since then I’ve done alot and seen alot and I realise that I was pretty naive and inexperienced when I wrote some of those a few years back. So to use the same clichΓ© again – “if I knew then what I know now”. So I really should go through and update them. But I didn’t know people still read them!


Have you heard about this new internet phenomenon called “blogging”? It’s when opinionated people start a diary somewhere to express their opinions about everything from movies to politics on a semi-daily basis and… oh wait, I’ve been doing that for 5 years so yeah, I can see how that’s a new phenomenon! … Went to the insurance company to file a claim about my mishaps behind the wheel. Let’s see if that guy that changed lane without looking will live up to his mistake or if he and his wife will cook up some bogus story of what “really” happened.


I’m getting that retro feeling now! Maybe it’s the onset of the christmas spirit or something, I dunno. Anyway, a while back we had the “thanx for a job well done!” party at the state department to wrap up this project of travelling all around the world. And one funny thing they had done was to get pictures from everyone and assembled them into one long slideshow that just kept on going and going. It was really fun to see since I “only” did 1/6 of the trips. And then there were some pics of me that I hadn’t seen before. But going through the entire thing I just get this “damn that was some good times!”. Problem is I can’t say that without hearing Ricki and everyone else going “and you thought it was a bad idea!?” in the back of my head…

So anyway, here are some new additions to my digital gallery:
The Swedish Embassy in Sofia.
Me and Annika in downtown Buenos Aires.
Me, (little bit of Ellinor) and Annika planning the weekend activities.
House warming party for one of the guys in Buenos Aires.
Dinner at the ambassadors residense in Congo.
This is how happy I was when it was time to go home from Congo.
A common sight indeed. In Copenhagen this time.

Not updating

Now I’m just totally forgetting about updating this place. Can’t blame it on anything now, I haven’t been that busy I’ve just forgotten to update… Oh well… I actually went to the movies a week back and saw “I, Robot”. I was expecting a “no brains, muscle driven action packed but wanna be deep”-movies. And it almost delivered. It was a little bit deeper than I thought it was gonna be, but the logic didn’t quite hold up. They had incorporated another rule by Asimov into the plot that was never explained, and the laws are built on the premise that a robot can’t change or overrule them when they chose to, no matter how intelligent they are. That’s why they are suppose to be “hardwired”, as oppose to software that can be changed.

Too lazy

I wish I could say I’ve been too busy to update this place. But the fact is I’m just lazy… no, actually, quite the opposite, I’ve been possessed by some workout deamon. When the scale 114 during my latest physical I thought it was time to do something about it. So I started working our and after two weeks I actually bought a scale to see if there was any result… 117 kilos. That’s what two weeks on sickleave with a busted ankle will do to you. Or did to me anyway. But right now I’m passing down to 114 again and I’m not planning to stop. Until I’m bored

What Have I Benn Doing The Past 14 Months?

I’ve finally updated this place with information about what I’ve really been doing for the past 14 months. If you’ll go back through this years updates as well as last years you’ll see I’ve inserted comments about when I’ve been were and added some comments I haven’t been able to write earlier. And I’ve also updated My Trips with a complete listing of where I’ve been and all info you might wanna know. Enjoy! I know I did. The reason I haven’t been able to post this earlier was security concerns. And mostly for me. Who knows what certain security agencies would do to get their hands on a guy with admin access to that network. But that’s all over with now. My accound is disabled and all passwords have been changed so even if I could remember them it wouldn’t help anyone. So I’m thinking it’s safe to publish this now.