About the Author



I’ve gotten some complaints that I don’t have any stuff or any interesting things on this site. Well I’m sorry, but this is “my very own domain”, and mostly it contains info about me and some very few special others, so you can complain all you want, but this is my place.

So what’s new in my life? Not much I’m afraid, trying to keep everything rolling at work. Other than that, Sweden was knocked out of the European Championship in soccer. Surprise? Not very… But on the upside, Schumacher won the Canadian Formula-1 GP 🙂


Sorry I havn’t written anything here in a while, but this time it’s because I’ve been too busy. A week ago I got the honorable mission of redoing the natalieportman.com websites imagegallery. About 1500 pics, categorized and all with thumbnails and texts and everything, took a loooong time but now it’s done and I’ve done my part for peace on Earth. You think?


I got a couple of “sure you know Nat’s real name” letters. But now I can prove it. If you do a Yahoo search on her real name, “My Dedication to Natalie Portman” is the first page that will come up. During the very, very booring weekend I had I finished a Flash-anim dedication to Natalie. You can find that here. As I said, this weekend was very booring, but it was a long time ago that I had a weekend without any plans whatsoever (except the Monaco GP).


Yeah, I’m finally 25 years old, or as my brother-in-law called me, “quarter of a century”.  And this was a super slow day at work, let me tell you! Thank god for MP3 🙂

I’ve started a small flash dedication to Natalie. Mostly I needed to learn the program, but I hope you’ll like it. And speaking of Portman, the extended version of “Léon” is coming out on Region 1 DVD in august. YEAH!


Sorry I haven’t written anything here, but you see…. nothings been happening in my life. I’VE GOT NO LIFE! Damn!

Anyways, tonight we’re gonna party! We’re going on Silja Festival boat to Ã…land for a 24 hour cruise and I’m probably gonna be sorry tomorrow morning. And another victory for the great Internet – a guy at work challenged me to find a bit of information on the net, specifically Natalies last name. Kris + Internet 1 point, and $50 bucks richer!

I know there’s a big “invasion of privacy” issue involved in that undertaking, but to my defense I only used public databases, and also I’m a firm believer in “informations wants freedom”. and the info stays with me! So no, don’t ask for it. If I can do it so could you if you really care that much.


I wasn’t at all happy with the Natalie-page I put up so I did a more extensive one located here. Enjoy !


After another very booring day at work I decided to make a nice little tribute to, what I consider to be, one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen, Natalie Portman (most famous for playing the Queen in SW Episode I, although I still think “Leon” is her best movie yet. Then again, I haven’t seen her latest, “Where the Heart Is”).
And when I say “beautiful”, I not only mean that she’s great looking, but almost everything I read or see about her is just… beautiful ! Don’t know why I did it, I mean, she’s never gonna see it and there are 100s of Natalie sites around, but it just felt like a nice thing to do.


Had a totally boring day at work, so I updated the menu and fixed the CSS. That’s how boring this is.
If it wasn’t for “Städdagen” wednesdays are way too BORING !


So Denmark won the Eurovision Song Contect 2000. Read the story about the song, “Fly on the Wings of Love”. And do I agree with that guy or what, women are the most beautifull creation _ever_ ! All I have to do is walk into our reception at work to have that confirmed. Don’t you just love women!!!!
(although I have the outmost respect for gays, I could _never_ be one…)


Just got home from a weekend in FinspÃ¥ng, a countryside town in southern Sweden. Tomas van der Poll, a fellow trekker friend of mine, had a 31st birthday party. A very successfull party with lot’s of eating and socializing. Thanx to Jenny, his wife, for the great food, and everyone who attended for the company. Especially Eva and Bosse for the ride over there.


It’s official – I hate Finland ! Not only do they win Formula 1 all the time, nor is it enough to take Malin away from us but now they beat us in the quarter finals in the ice-hockey World Championship in S:t Petersburg! And I’m going there in two weeks, and I really hope I’ll meet a nice finn for a change. But I wouldn’t count on it.


Our department at work was invited to go see the Glen Killing gang at Gran Hotel, something I really wanted to do. But something, or rather someone, came in the way of those plans and I had to cancel, which turned out to be a pretty good choice. Besides, I have a really hard time saying “no” to women.


I did another radio appearence today! Tomas Graneryd, radio host on Radio Stockholm, invited me to come over there and have a talk with Johan “Godzilla” from the TV show “Villa Medusa”. If you’re not Swedish or have Kanal 5 you probably don’t know who he is, which is your loss. It was pretty fun, I’ll post an MP3 recording of it as soon as I can.


This was a day of mourning. One of the nicest women that I’ve ever met (who, somehow, was immune to all my attempts at getting a date), got a gig to work in Finland. Since her job here was just a part-time job she accepted and this was the last day I chatted with her and got to say goodbye. Now I really dislike Finland !