Doesn’t the americans have a twisted sense for what should be shown on TV and what might be harmful for kids to see? They’ve never had a problem showing people killing people, violence in any form, no prob. But Janet Jackson’s boob pops out and OH MY GOD, that’s terrible. A boob. Geez, never mind the fact that the sport everyone turned in to watch is pretty god damn violent! And don’t tell me it’s not, they wouldn’t need all that protective gear if it wasn’t violent… But 20 guys beating each other up over a ball isn’t harmful for a kid, but a boob is. Like hello, one of the first thing any normal baby does is get a boob smashed in his/her face, why should seeing one more be harmful!? They are pretty weird….
I’ve done it again – attended a LAN event. This time it was me and a friend that got a bunch of people togetherto just play games. Now I’ve been up for about 21 hours, playing computer games and just wasting another weekend. But it was fun, so not a complete waste. And by the way – 4 days. That’s how long it took for their hormones to get the best of them.
Oh no, they started another run of “Big Brother”. They really should rename that show to “Who’ll Fuck Who” or something because that’s what they’ve reduced the show to. From an interesting psychological experiment of locking people from different walks of life in an isolated environment and see how they get along it’s now just about getting a bunch of hot singles into an isolated big bedroom and see how long it takes for their hormones to take over. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. And I don’t watch it, an episode was on while I was playing on my computer and as always I’ve got one ear on the computer the other on the TV and when they got the entire “so who’s ready to have sex in this place” conversation started up – ON DAY THREE !!! – I couldn’t even listen to it and flipped over to Jeopardy which was 10 times better. And you actually learn something.
Is it just me, or is the video to “Boogie Pimp”‘s “Don’t You Want Somebody To Love” the best video of all year? It’s got everything – good track, humor, techno beat, failing parachute, mega-hot chick and crying babies. Hilarious stuff! But ofcourse, after the “Christina Weekend” on MTV last weekend you kinda crave good music and good videos. ANd speaking of music vids, Britney’s latest (“Toxic”) was a bit of a dud. Stylish, hip, hi tech, computer animated, naked Britney and not very good music either. One of these days she’s gonna make an artistic video and catch everyone by surprise. Btw, here’s a question I’ve been wondering for a while – just how much creative input does the artists have in their videos? Take someone like Jewel, her first videos were deep, artistic and thought-provoking, then we had that “Veronica’s Secret” commercial-like video she did, then the sarcastic and ironic “Intuition” video but her latest (“Stand”) is too deep for me to understand. Just how much does she have to say about them? The video to “Intuition” was totally in sync with the song, that doesn’t happen alot, does it?
(yeap, I’m on helpdesk duty which involves serious thinking and alot of idle time)
Sorry about not updating, I’ve been totally immersed in the game of Bf1942 over the past weeks, finally finding a game I can start playing on a little bit more serious level. I haven’t been playing anything on this level since the good old Starcraft and Unreal Tournament days. The amusing thing about the gaming community is how incredibly (I can never spell that right!) isolated we seem to be. If a member of SK walked around here in Stockholm 99.5 % of the people won’t know or care about it, the other 0.5% would either go down on their knees and pray or throw a HE at him (which is politically correct since they just dismissed their ladies). Which is kinda sad considering how HUGE sweden is in the gaming world. We’re the best gaming country in europe, and world champions in some games. I think someone should mention that when discussing if it’s a good idea to subsidize “broadband to the people” or the home-PC projects since both of those two are mainly responsible for putting us up there in the top.
I’m trying not to get too much into the Israel vs Palestine debate since I don’t wanna be labelled an anti-Semite. But guess what? I was recently laballed anti-Semite anyway. It all started last week when Israel’s ambassador here in sweden came to an art exhibit and one of the exhibits feature a little boat in a sea of blood. And on the boat was a picture of a female suicebomber that killed some 20 people last year for some idiotic reason. He thought this was glorifying and sanctioning palestinian suicebombers and went berserk. Then he called big daddy and all of a sudden Ariel Sharon was on TV saying all swedes are anti-Semite. Riiiiiiight. I just got two words for that – Raoul Wallenberg. Sure, it was 60 years ago and some might say let bygones be bygones, but Israel is the last country in the world who should say that. And sure, you may say that one person doesn’t speak for the entire country, but considering that this all started with one piece of art by one artist that was misinterpreted by one person, that arguments falls flat. And besides, Raoul Wallenberg, as oppose to Oscar Schindler, was sanctioned and helped by the Swedish government. He couldn’t buy a diplomatic passport or set up a diplomatically protected sanctuary on his own. Feels kinda sad that the good reputation of swedes as an open and tolerant people got tarnished over this little incident. It’s not our fault the ambassador got ticked off over an art exhibit that was suppose to show the bloody and meaningless consequences of conflicts like that.
That’s what I think!
So Bush wants to go to Mars, huh? Being a “why aren’t we there already” person I should like it. But no, it didn’t really work. Kinda hard to take it seriously. Don’t know if he was aiming to do another “We should do these things, not because they are easy but because they are hard”-JFK speech that got the original space race going, if it was he failed. JFK wasn’t campaining to be re-elected. JFK hadn’t invaded two countries. No, I’m not gonna get started on this. Instead I’ll direct you to this Watch those clips and judge for yourself…
Oh no, I’m getting that feeling again. And it’s not that loving feeling unfortunately, it’s the same feeling I was starting to have a year ago. That my life (atleast monday to friday) has become an endless routine of “waking up, going to work, go home, watch some TV, play some computer, go to bed” every day. And last year when I got this feeling I signed up for a “once in a lifetime!” project at work that is kinda laying low right now, but that’s starting up again in the middle of February. Until then I guess I gotta keep this routine and deviate from it as much as I can.
Now I’m getting really annoyed by spam! You know, those annoying e-mails trying to sell everything from Viagra to the Hilton sex tape. But I’m not annoyed because of the nuisance factor of getting 200 spam mails every day, I’ve got a pretty good filter so that’s no problem. No, I’m annoyed because I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone, any sane person, can ever fall for any of these e-mails! I mean, seriously, if you get a letter from some [email protected] with the topic “Instant Prescript%ion Dru[gs to your Door!” and the e-mail is a picture of a guy in a white coat and a pricelist for stuff like viagra and whatnot, why would ANYONE click it or buy anything!? I don’t get it. Obviously there are people out there who fall for it, otherwise these spammers wouldn’t keep on sending spam. So who are the people that think they can increase their penis size by buying a patch from an anonymous website?! Would you buy anything from a site like this!? Yeah, you could make these kinds of things illegal, try to develop software for it or whatever, but the real problem are stupid idiotic people who fall for these letters! I just don’t understand it… and not understanding them makes me annoyed.
New year, same problems – getting my finances under control, car trouble, need better speakers, getting a girlfriend, losing wieght… same old, same old. But I guess it could be worse! And it seems that US will have to back down about that demand to have american security onboard all flights in or out of US, guess they weren’t gods over the world after all. And little credit to Britney for giving us a few laughs over the new year weekend, I just wish it had been a little bit more original than that. Just wondering what that guy is thinking – if I were ever to marry a rich babe like that, drunk or sober, I wouldn’t agree to a divorce that easily, haven’t he seen Eddie Murphy’s “I want half!”-scene from Raw!? And I eventually saw the last LotR movie, although I broke with tradition and did it on the second. I haven’t read the books so I can only judge the trilogy movie-wise and I gotta say the third one was a huge disappointment. The “Oh my god, we’re outnumbered and getting our asses kicked, but what is that over the horizon, is that the cavalry” was really getting old and when green goblins comes to town I just gave it up taking it seriously.
Here’s hoping the last Star Wars movie is able to live up to the expectations, but that’s not till 2005.
So the guys planning the public transportations aren’t the only ones who can’t really see a problem coming a mile away! Yesterday I had voulenteered for some taxi duty when my parents were flying to Scotland and later when …. cousin-in-law? (my sister’s husband’s cousin) came to town. And going there and home for the first time was quite adventurous because they hadn’t gotten out the trucks to put sand or salt on the roads yet! One truck had tipped over just a minute before we got there, so when we were getting out of the car to go and help the road was slippery as hell! But later in the night when I was picking up the cousin it was all clear. Were the people who are suppose to decide when to salt & sand on skiing vacation or what happened there!?
They are doing it again! The Bush-led government has taken it open themselves to decide that every plane passing through the states has to have an american armed security agent on board. With September 11th fresh in mind it might sound like a reasonable idea. But common, what if every country who’s had about 2.000 of their citizens killed by terrorist attacks insisted on this? Imagine a British Airways plane going from Tel Aviv passing through Heathrow going to New York. That’d be three security agencies wanting to have people on that flight! Another case of them enforcing their laws on other countries which kinda was the whole background why September 11th happened in the first place. I guess they didn’t get the message. And let’s be practical here – what kinda job would that be, sitting on airplanes all the time going from a to b not being allowed to sleep, constantly being vigilant!? Not even diplocatic couriers have it that bad.
The other day I heard something I had no idea about. Something that at first is a pretty sweet thought, but later just transformed into evil things. Every year the Swedish postal service receives thousands of letters addressed to Santa Claus. They just stack ’em and read some of them for fun. And some of them are sweet – kids telling Santa what they want for Christmas, other just informing Santa that she has moved and here’s her new address and some asks for forgiveness for that little evil thing they did and still wants to get presents. Pretty sweet, huh? But look at it from the other side – there are millions of parents out there, lying to their children every year. Going to extreme lengths to uphold the illusion of a jolly fat guy dressed in red who knows if you’ve been naughty or nice. And there are obviously thousands of them who’s done such a good job that their kids are sending him mail! To quote the Matrix – “It’s just another method of control”. To try to keep kids nice, especially during the Christmas… But if you wanna laught it off, go here.
So 2 days before Christmas and it starts snowing. Who’d thought?! Not the people planning the public transportation system in Stockholm – every year when the snow comes they are caught with their pants down and it takes you 30 minutes longer to get to work. You would think they could plan a little better, and buy better equipment since the snow and cold comes every god damn year, it’s not a fluke, it happens every year! Why tha hell can’t they ever make it work!? Today it was so bad that I actually set my timer 30 minutes earlier because I knew it was gonna be hell getting into work. And I was right. You’d think that if I can forsee the problem, so should they. They are even getting paid for it! “If they ever have kids… I hope their dog dies!” (quote from “Ford Fairlane” that has finally been released on DVD!)
Good news – my apetite is back. Bad news – … my apetite is REALLY back. Now I even eat past the point where the stomach says stop. Fortunately I lost a few pounds in the past week I guess I can take it….
Do you know I’m a sucker for traditions? No, neither did I! But in the past week I found myself motivating not going to the new “Lord of the Rings”-premiere because it’s my tradition to see it on 1st of January. And then when I had to say no to hanging with buddies with the motivation it’s my tradition to do last minute shopping on saturday before Christmas, that’s when it kinda hit me – I really am a sucker for tradition!
Am I the only one who doesn’t get the point of having a camera in your telephone? What’s the point? I’d get it if it was a good 4 mega pixel camera that would replace a normal one, but it’s not! They are all sucky, bad quality and way too easy to scratch! I’m a gadget freak but it just doesn’t make any sense to combine a phone and camera?
Today I was reminded how relaxing it can be to commute to work using public transportation. Just sitting on the train, knowing there’s nothing you can do about anything basically, and just let the mind wander to wherever it goes. I used to be so good at it I had to set my cell phone to remind me when it was time to get back to reality and get off the train. I miss that, can’t do it in a car for obvious reasons.
Can you get nauseuos due to bad music? Perhaps it’s my current medical condition, but again I accidentally flipped through channels and was exposed to something that should be labelled “psychological warfare”… C21’s version of “One Night in Bangkok”. It’s … so awful, it may be the worst cover of a classic – ever! They should be banned from making any more music! Is nothing sacred!? Sir Tim, Benny & Bjorn are kicking in their graves and the dudes aren’t even dead yet! What an awful start to the weekend!
You know, this year have been pretty good to me. Most things have gone better than I hoped, work-wise I’m having a blast and financially everything is ok. Which makes me wonder why things had to end so badly (although technically it’s not over yet). And the funny thing is I can pinpoint the exact second my luck turned. We had a small little party at a casino in Stockholm and me and Palle (an old friend from work) stood in front of the roulette table and he put down 500 on black and I countered with 500 on red. And guess what happend?… Green. What are the odds of that!? (1 in 37!) After that things have gone downhill. But as I said, it ain’t over yet. Still got a little over two weeks of this year to go and I’m going back to work tomorrow!