So today it was election in sweden. Again. For the past elections I haven’t really known what to vote for, and me almost being unemployed last year with all the emotional stress that causes it was even harder this year. It seems that if you have a job and everything is ok, then blue is the way to go. But if you’re knocked down for some reason, the reds are good…
So I ended up voting for the tree-huggers…
On monday it was september 11th again. I almost missed it had it not been for every media pointing it out. If you look at it objectively there’s no real reason why the entire world should feel so much about an event like that. But somehow we do. On CNN they had a brutal special feature – you could download 2 hour CNN coverage from 8:50 to 10:50 “as it happened”. That was scary!!
And the day after, what does TV4 do? Show “Airplane” with the wonderful line “They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting themselves into!”… nice timing…
Yesterday I had decided to buy a new cell phone. I did my homework and decided to buy a Ericsson Z550i. I checked up where I could buy them pretty cheap and also had them in stock NOW! ANd that was Elgiganten, one of our biggest electonics warehouses. When I got there they didn’t have any in the display shelf so I had to take a number for the information desk dealing with phones. After waiting 15 minutes it was my turn and the guy told me “they are so new we don’t have them on display yet!”, then he punched in some stuff on the computer and gave me a postit with a number on it. “Go to the cashier and give her this number”. Ok, so I did, and you guessed it – take a number. After only 10 minutes of waiting it was my turn, gave her the note, she punched the computer a bit, charged my credit card and gave me a receipt and said “ok, go over there, that’s where they have the actual product!”. So I went over there and… yeap, take a number. 15 minuters after that I had my phone.
Should it really take 45 minute to go to a huge store like this to buy a phone when you know exactly what phone you want and you know they have it in stock?… or am I just a bit too much of a perfectionist for this?
Btw, tribute to Steve Irwin.
Came to work and hit the favorite icon for CNN and look at that, Steve Irwin killed in action. I think that’s a big loss to the world actually, you may dislike his way of presenting his shows but he certainly made alot of people (especially kids) watch nature shows with a bit of interest. Really sad to hear that and I wasn’t even a big fan…
Apparently it’s election year this year. I’d almost missed it, cause I’m used to it being 10 times more obvious and more posters and stuff everywhere you go and everything you read, but it’s been pretty slow so far this year. But the ones who I think have the best ones yet is our environmental party. Their entire PR campaign is just irony and sarcasm. “Nudles are still cheap, so we don’t need to raise the financial support for students”, “I’m not hooked on oil, I can quit whenever I want”, “All love is good – as long as they don’t wanna get married!” and then there’s one regarding our policy with refugees but that’s lost in the translation I’m afraid…
Interesting thing happened the other day as I was going home on the train. My cell phone rang and as usual I answer since I’m on call and have to answer. And as I’m explaining to this clueless lawyer how to install a new printer a guy comes up to me and asks me to hang up. Why? Becuase there’s a ban on cell phones on commuting trains now – apparently? I had no idea they did that, but I politely informed him that these things are in the same category as “give up your seat to an elderly so they don’t have to stand”, it’s more of a recommendation & courtesy than actually being illegal. He didn’t like that but couldn’t argue and left me alone. And the guy was sitting like 10 meters away from me so don’t know how me talking on the cell annoyed him…
But generally I agree – sitting next to someone who’s talking on the phone with their friend talking about stuff I have no interest what so ever about is damn annoying…
I went to the shop to re-stock some stuff after a week in scotland and one of the things I had to buy was shower gel. And I saw Axe has a new (for me anyway!) shower gel out there called anti-hangover with the slogan “Brings you back to life – no matter how short the night was”. So I just had to buy it, can’t wait to try it 🙂
That was a few busy days in scotland, but now I’m back and settled in again and took the chance to upload some pics from that little semi-improvised trip. We didn’t have any plans of anything really but it’s been over a year since we last saw each other. Unfortunately we just missed Amy’s husband Paul who was offshore again but it was still alot of fun and as usual, coming back with alot of goodies that we don’t get here (still don’t know why they discontinued Salt & Vinegar crisps!).
Expect a day by day event report soon, meanwhile, enjoy the pics.
I’m so lazy that I haven’t done my laundry in a few weeks. And then i realised that “hey, I’m going to scotland on monday, wouldn’t hurt to have some clean clothes for that”. But I’m so lazy, and my schedule is totally full, that instead I went out and bought new clothes… I’m such a guy…
Hate to sound boring but there really is nothing happening. Working and playing WoW is pretty much it right now. But I’ll break that pattern this weekend when I’ll be busy doing other stuff and then head off to Scotland to check what’s happening with the relatives over there. Oh, gay pride week again but for once I haven’t noticed it at all!
Oh god I’ve got another song stuck in my head now. “I wish I was a punkrocker“. Pretty ok song, damn good and funny lyrics, especially since I’m one of those “I remember when I was a kid”-people.
(link fixed)
Phew, finally the soccer championship is over. And what I’ll remember most about it is all the tied matches, and the fact that so many play-off matches where decided on penalties so it was kinda appropriate the last match was decided on penalties. Another thing I reacted on this time was how much the referees can screw up a game. I know it’s lame to blame a loss on a referee, but sometimes they were just downright fooled and duped and somtimes just made horrible calls.
As I’ve said so many times, it’s the little things in life that I really enjoy! Today I had to go into work and move my office abit (I knew I had to do, just pushed it as far as I could!) and it sucks having to go into work during your holiday, right? Well it only took an hour. Then I spent an hour in Kungsträdgården enjoying an old style vanilla ice cream and when going home I took a huge detour around the central parts of stockholm. And everyone who’s been there this time of year knows why.
I’m on holiday right now from work. That means I’m just sitting at home doing all the things I usually don’t have time for since I can’t be bothered to go anywhere. So today my schedule (not as bad as it sounds!) said “donate blood!”. So I filled in the “free parking” note that we blood donors get, took the car up there and got tapped for a pint. Then I got back to the car and … yeap, got a parking ticket! Why? Because I hadn’t put the not up against the windshield! It was in the passenger seat so whoever that parking attendant was should have seen it, but nope. THat cost me 300 SEK 🙁
As you may remember, a few years back in this blog I made a small reference to Tone Bekkestad, a norwegian chick doing the weather on TV4. In case you haven’t seen her, she’s hot but in a classy way. And the readers of Slitz, a very guyish magazine in sweden, agreed and voted her as # 42 on their top sexiest women in sweden. And she agreed to do a few photos for them. Now, they do very good photos, not that pornographic or explicit, they still leave alot to the imagination, just the way I like it. And TV4 fired her for it. All of a sudden she’s not “credible” to present the weather. Talk about pretentious since this is the woman who educated most of her collegues and actually has the credentials and title to do it 🙂
Oh boy, have I gotten myself into a moral dilemma now. As I was doing disaster recovery of a crashed computer I scanned the documents to see which were salvagable. Nothing new about that. Only this computer used to belong to one of the people in human resources. And as I was going through documents one caught my eye since it was about someone I consider a friend and it was about her expressing some unhappiness with her workgroup she was working in and some stuff she wasn’t happy with. At that point I closed it and said “salvaged!” without reading any specifics. But I kept thinking about it and here’s the dilemma – do I talk to her about these things in an attempt to make her feel better or try to be supportive, and thereby telling her I’ve seen a document I probably shouldn’t have seen or read? Or do I play stupid and act like I don’t know what’s bothering her?… I’ll see what happens, if I do end up in a remotely deep conversation with her I guess I’ll have to bring it up.
Even though I’m not trying to watch that many football games I still find myself semi-watching every one. You know, one eye on the computer playing WoW and the other one watching the game. And sweden scored one goal and all of a sudden the media are discussing how far we can go. But england will put them down to earth again.
Yesterday was a glorious swedish summer and how did I spend it? Inside a movie theater watching Star Trek. But that’s not the sad part, the sad part was that it was the last time we had our Star Trek event in that theater. We’ve been there once a month for 9 months per year for 9 years now! Seriously, it was 9 years since we had our first event there (and ofc I remember it like it was yesterday). ‘All good things must come to an end’ indeed…
And today was another glorious summer day and I spent around 1 hour of it slacking in the sun. Then played WoW for the rest of the day 🙂
Damn I’m so tired of all the football shit that’s going on everywhere. I just don’t get what’s so big about it. And in sweden people are actually expecting our boys to go anywhere. Just setting themselves up for disappointment again. Sure, the european championships was good, but didn’t go that far. And now it’s world championship?! Can’t wait for it to be over!
31 years old. Or 30-something… man I’m getting too old for some of the stuff that I’m doing. But I’m just having too much fun so I’ll just keep it up 🙂
This really made my friday (only in swedish though).