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Getting Over It

Ok, I know I defnitely took that more serious than I should. After all, in her mind we were probably only “fooling around” again even though I made it clear I was after a bit more, if only just a bit – not like I was gonna ask her to move in with me or change her life. It was just a very unique feeling for me to be so close to a woman and feeling completely comfortable. Not nervous of doing or saying the wrong thing, not looking for a way out, just completely comfortable. It doesn’t happen that often and I wanted to hang on to it (yeap, singing “Somewhere I Belong” with Linkin Park). But if she feels half as much for me as I do for her I wouldn’t be writing here.

So let’s start work on getting over that… anyone have a five step plan for that btw?

What Do You Want?

I had a small ICQ chat with her yesterday and what it all boils down to is the evil question of “what do you want?”. ‘Cause what I want is blatantly obvious and as usual it’s up to the female to set the limits of how far to go which is why I had to ask it. I dunno if I’m just too old for the “love me/love me not” games. Anyway, she couldn’t come up with good answers so I just laid it out for her, she has my number, call me when she’s figured it out. Which I’m pretty sure means I’ll never hear from her regarding this ever. Which leaves me wondering what’ll happen next time we meet at a party? Knowing me I’ll probably exercise the better part of valor and leave cause I don’t wanna feel like I did yesterday ever again.

What do I want?… I wanna quote Max Payne (the videogame): “The things that I want by Max Payne. A smoke. A whisky. For the sun to shine. My wife and baby girl back. Unlimited ammo and a license to kill. Right then, more than anything, I wanted her.”

Now let’s start thinking about the opposite of that question – “who are you”…
(I think you’re gonna have to see “Babylon 5” to know what I’m talking about)

What Happened? I Don’t Really Know

So almost 6 months after we first met and had our 3 week thing, we finally met up at a party again. Last time we saw each other I was in a bad phase and didn’t really make an effort or anything and we both agreed it wasn’t working and split with a hug. And since then I’ve been very curious what would happened when we met again at some party since it was bound to happen and yesterday was that day. There was housewarming party and I showed up with pretty clear intention of trying to get that thing between us going. Abd within the hour it was warming up and by midnight it was all good and looked like mission accomplished. But she was still sending me mixed messages and by 2 I don’t think even she knew what she wanted so I pushed it by saying “I’m going home”. And after a bit of fuss in the hallway where we both realised this was getting way complicated she threw me out. Not in a kind, gentle “please leave”, but “get out!”. After wandering around lost in thought I found a cab, went home and was completely devastated by this. Totally!

I’ve been going through it all in my head what I said, should’ve said and shouldn’t have said and I honestly don’t know what happened. How could we go from sweet cuddling to her throwing me out? The only reason she stated which was that I’m too nice of a guy for her and she’d end up hurting me was BS since that’s exactly what she did. I don’t think I’ve ever been hurt as bad as I was by this. Not even when that chick at work wrote that pissed of mail did I get _this_ hurt. Now I have no idea what to do next, try to call her again and see if she knows what she wants yet or what tha hell is going on. ’cause there’s no doubt what I want, even after getting this burnt.

And today I was a complete wreck as well. It was suppose to be a happy day and celebrate my fathers birthday but I really put a damper on that mood.

I’m Going Into Celebacy

Women are evil. It feels like an atom bomb went off inside me. I feel like shit. It’s not worth it.

I’m going into celibacy and I can’t even be bothered to spell it correctly.

Women Are Evil

The other day I was out with some friends and came home late in the afternoon and had just logged onto WoW when I get a message from “that chick I was dating back in December” asking me to “stop playing computer games and come out and join her, her best friend and a WoW buddy and see the sun!”. Still incapable of saying no to women I reluctantly agreed and we went to a place to drive some go cart. Not my idea since the last time I drove one of those I had a bit of an accident. And when I get there… there’s no sun and there’s no “that chick I used to date back in December”. She had other plans and just simply tricked me into getting outside. How very typical female of her…

Unfortunately for her we had a blast and it really was her loss 🙂

Right Back At me

And after yesterday’s little update I turned on the TV and saw a debate program and a documentary that showed that not even the scientists are in agreement over this whole greenhouse effect and as a matter of fact it’s totally wrong and most of them seemed to blame our beloved sun for the increased temperature. And sure it makes more sense to blame a gigantic fireball for things getting warmer rather than gasses that makes up barely a percent of out atmosphere.

But it really doesn’t take a scientist to know that millions of smoker lighting up 10 times a day is bound to result in a lot of heat, not to mentions thousands of jumbo jets flying thousands of miles. It may not be the carbon dioxide but I’m still fairly convinced it’s our own doing. ‘Cause blaming the sun sounds like giving up all hope and rolling over and play dead.

But enough negative talk – it’s Friday, it’s pay-day weekend, the weather kicks ass, we got the ice-hockey championship starting this week and I still have lots of movies and albums to listen to with my new set of speakers!

It’s Summer. In April?

This may be getting old but I can’t help but to be amazed at how fast this has gone! I mean in the past decades everyone has become aware that we’re slowly killing this planet, but just in the past few years it’s become pretty obvious to anyone how bad it is and now it’s really bad! I invite every person saying this talk about greenhouse-effect is overhyped to come to stockholm now! Sweden is joked to have polar bears on the streets and here we are in april and it’s summer! The sun is shining, it’s 20 degrees and everyone is enjoying an afterwork beer out in the sun. This is so f*cked up. And it may be one reason why my allergies is back so damn hard after 15 years. And it’s a good argument not to have kids today – would you want your kids to inherit what we screwed up ? 🙂

Or to quote Stanley in “The Rock” – “I mean it, honey, the world is being Fed-exed to hell in a hand cart. I really believe anyone even thinking of bringing a child into the world is coldly considering an act of cruelty.”

Small Little Update

I’ve been intending to make an update here but every time something else has come in between. But here I am… so what to type? My newly re-discovered allergies really don’t wanna go away! I can use all the tablets and cortisone-cream that the doctors can throw at me it just won’t go away. But I’m still hopeful in the “it’ll blow over”-kinda way. As a result of all this I felt a bit down and tried a bit of retail therapy and bought myself a new set of speakers. So now my little corner of the universe sounds a little bit better!! Other than that … same old same old…

All Good Things Really Do Come To An End

Got a bad reminder that all good things really do come to an end yesterday. I’ve been a Moby fan for years and when I saw there was a new DVD out with one of his concerts from his latest tour (“Hotel”) I bought it and yesterday I had a chance to see it. It was… good. Which is rather disappointing. Usually his live shows had alot of energy and the spirit of “people jumping up and down and dancing till 5 am” (quote from the man himself during his “Glastonbury” performance). This one didn’t. I don’t know if it was the audience or that it was a smaller arena that did it. But it probably was that he’d changed pretty much the entire band, only one from the “good old ‘Play’-days” was the drummer, Scotty. No “G-Strings” (the girls playing violins and stuff), no “RJ The DJ”, no Paulo running around thumping his drums, no Greta on bass or Diane doing vocals. It wasn’t as good as it used to be at all.

But what tha hell – it’s friday, it’s the first day of summer (according to me) and it’s “Star Trek” and Formula 1 weekend! As the song goes – “things are going great and they’re only getting better”.


Do you put much faith in horoscopes or anything describing you as a person through zodiacs? I haven’t. From a statistical point of view, if you throw in enough crap there something is bound to be accurate and it’s just been silly all along. But the other day as I was cleaning up a bit I came across one of these that was frighteningly accurate. Not only one or two things right, but everything in that very long text got it absolutely 100% dead on! And it really made my day. Unfortunately I can’t really get into details because the source reference was a “Gemini”-sheet from the Museum of Erotica in Copenhagen that I picked up a few years ago, so that would be way too much information.


You know one of the best things about me is my open mindedness, my way of not pre-judging anything and if I do not being a stubborn asshole refusing to admit I was wrong. I’ve never been a big fan of metal. I go as far as Metallica and Nightwish but that’s it. Well the other week I was out having more than a few beers with a few friends and ended up at Anchor, which is a bar mostly for head bangers. Which I’m certainly not. But on their TV screens they were playing the DVD of some Rammstein concert and it was a mighty impressive show. Didn’t hear that much since we were there to be social, not to listen to Rammstein. But being the open-minded person I am I ordered the DVD and yesterday I decided to annoy my neighbours by putting it on. And man do those guys rock! Say what you will about the music (and since I can’t understand the lyrics I can’t say much about that) but the show was totally kick-ass! And the fact it was mixed in DTS made it sound that much better. Favorite number would be “Los” when they start off with an acoustic guitar and slowly build up to the balls-out climax.

This Is Not A Joke

Yesterday I went home to one of my best friends to do… absolutely nothing! Just hanging out, playing some x-box, talking through some more or less unimportant stuff… Anyway, at like 1am I thought I’d better get my ass home since it’s a long drive and so off I went. It had gotten pretty chilly over the night and I was going a bit too fast through a twisty part of E18, but it’s got 2 lanes and no traffic so no problem criss-crossing between the lanes. That was until there was an aqueduct, a pretty good left blind turn and all of a sudden one lane was closed for construction and at that point I lost the grip at about 90 kph thanks to the chilly road. But you know what? Thanks to me being a complete slacking computer geek I made it with two inches to spare! Me being a slacker = me still driving with winter tires. Me being a computer geek = I’ve mastered the art of drifting thanks to Need for Speed. Ok, the obligatory skid testing to get a license in Sweden might have helped too. So after sliding through all of that and very nearly going off the road I calmly drove the rest of the way home to contemplate my brush with death and said “missed me!”.

It’s All In The Head

Today I proved something pretty important – no matter what happens, if you have the attitude for it you can make a bad day great. I had a terrible start of the day with oversleeping a bit, train being canceled and next train being full and just a lot of things going bad. But then at around 9 I just decided that “today is gonna be a GREAT day, so there!”. And the day continued to throw one problem after another at me, including Vodafones totally incompetent support and me having gotten all the way home before I realized I’d forgotten my keys at work and had to go back in, it didn’t matter ’cause I had decided that “today was gonna be a great day”. And it was! 🙂

Size Is A Funny Thing

About a year ago when I was out to buy some clothes again I was looking at the 42″ shelf while buying pants, which was kinda embarrassing and also limited the choice of clothes I could actually buy (if I wanted to wear them that is). But after last July’s awful exercise in laziness and me almost hitting 120 kilos I spent half of august and most of September going down and I almost reached 100 before I called it quits. It just wasn’t fun and I enjoy food too much and when you’re counting the calories while exercising it’s kinda hard to enjoy a big dinner without thinking “how many hours is this on the treadmill”. And yesterday was actually the first time I’ve been out shopping clothes since then and I can now squeeze into a 38″ pants. That’s sweet 🙂

And speaking of nutritional diets and tying that in with the talk about advertisements – Delicato, who makes really good but not that nutritious snacks and cookies, are doing a major PR campaign at the moment. And the point of them all is “our food isn’t healthy”! My favorite is the one saying “Warning: May contain traces of vitamins and minerals”.

Going out to a party tonight with some of the SoulCrusher gang. It’s a warm-up to our 10 year anniversary party tomorrow. Not looking forward to Sunday…

People Are Idiots

My old saying “a person is smart but people are idiots” was proven once again today. I decided to go into Stockholm an hour earlier today to get some shopping done. I got to H&M and when I came in there was a sea of chicks there in front of me. Normally I wouldn’t complain but these weren’t the nice, gentle, fun and loving bunch of women, oh no, it was women out to get their piece of Madonnas’ new clothing collection that premiered today. I’ve never witnessed this kinda thing before, always heard jokes about it. And it was so hilarious but pathetic at the same time how people who are normally intelligent behaves like a pack of animals like this… then I walked passed the lot and had the entire male section to myself.

And the other day I had a link to a hilarious commercial. Well today I have this link which is an ad for computer developers. It’s fun in all languages but I can’t be bothered to translate it all for you, but let’s say it’s full of irony, sarcasm and jokes at computer geeks expense. All good!!

Life Goes On

Same old same old… trying to keep my allergies and rash under control which I’m barely managing, think I may need another visit to the doctors for this soon. Had a kick ass weekend which included, but wasn’t limited to, my sister, brother and nephew pulling an all nighter on Saturday to enjoy the F1 premiere from Australia. Loved it! And tonight I’m going out with my old employer “Pulsen” but as a customer for once…

Some movie reviews ; “The Prestige” – Weird movie that was hugely disappointing and was filmed weirder than “Memento”. “Stranger Than Fiction” – I don’t know if it’s because I hit my 30’s but all of a sudden there’s a huge onslaught of movies about people asking “where is my life going?” and re-discovers themselves. Is that a sign or what? Pretty decent movie. And we finished off with “Eurotrip”. No matter what mood you’re in, that movie always works. It’s a shame it didn’t get any bigger than it was because it so totally owns.

Was That All There Was?

2 weeks ago we had minus degrees, we had snow and it was winter. Today I was walking around in the city in a t-shirt and wasn’t the least bit cold. But I’m not complaining, the sooner we get this transition over with the sooner my allergies will settle down. Although it’s pretty much under control at the moment.

Btw, LOVE this commercial. It’s an ad for a Swedish internet provider and their slogan is “Our customers are used to going fast”. If I wasn’t already a customer I’d switch to them just for this commercial…

Mind Over Matter

You know I hate taking medication, right? I’m the guy that thinks twice before even taking a pill for a headache! So when I went to the doctors and got all this stuff to combat my allergies and especially that crap that I was suppose to put in when I take a bath I hated it. But now, 3 days later it’s all under control and I only had to use 2 of the 4 prescription drugs I got – very strong cortisone lotions. Didn’t need that crap in my bath fortunately…
But now, aside from a bit if itching, I’d say that’s over. If only i hadn’t waited over 2 weeks to see a doctor…

And I won another round of Scrabble. Don’t ask me how I do it cause I really don’t have a clue, I just seem to be good at it…

Going Back To My Youth

You know how I always say that things used to be better and I wanna relive my childhood? Well I take it all back today! A small part of my childhood was spent dealing with my allergies and stuff and bathing in some disgusting liquid that was suppose to make it all go away. I’ve surpressed most of that so it can’t have been good. Well today I went to a doctor to check up on my allergies and she wrote prescription alot of stuff including this shit I have to bathe in again. Not sure I wanna do that. I mean the allergies are annoying but not to the degree I wanna put myself though that again.

Fin While It Lasted

I’ve had a good run health-wise for the past 2 years ever since I got rid of that damn headache. Haven’t had much to complain about since then. Except now! About a week ago my allergies started acting up and bothered me but not too bad, it does that a little now and then. But now it’s an all out war with rash all over! Think I may have to go to the doctor and get myself a shot of cortison if it doesn’t let up soon because clarityn and lotion isn’t cutting it anymore. This was one of the reasons I didn’t go out, as was the fact I had just donated blood which means one beer has the same effect 5 has usually.