I’m off to a wedding now. I thought they would’ve called off the bluff now, but this conspiracy to try to get me suited up and stuff goes on. But whatever makes them happy 🙂
I haven’t been to many weddings unfortunately. There was this one with my huge family turned out a bit dull as I remember it, was this one for my sis’ best friends that was pretty funny. Then there was the one with Marcus & Linda that was a very good wedding and party afterwards but thanks to other circumstances I couldn’t fully enjoy it and left early. Today I have no such problems at all! I’m totally expecting to sit there defending how “being singel is fun!” while everyone else pitties me, then drink the pain away and end up asking why noone loves me. Nah….
Yeap, I was right. “Nines only goes with Nines and Fours goes with Fours. Sometimes there’s the mathematical anomaly, usually when there’s money involved…”. Not an exact quote of House but you get the point. Official reason was “no chemistry”, I dunno if 100 minutes of laughing a bit over a beer or two is reason enough to totally call it off, but atleast she gave me a chance, credit for that.
Ofcourse it is a bit hypocritical of me to say stuff like that, ’cause obviously I’m just as shallow when I make that assessment that a woman is out of my league, or even below it, but I’m pretty damn sure everyone is just as bad. But the only time this hasn’t even been an issue was with “case closed” that I just thought was a beautiful person no matter what, and look what that got me! … the search goes on …
Oh, cookies!
Yesterday I went out on a date with a woman that really made me feel… inferior! We’d talked a bit online and I’d seen a few photos of her so I’d set my expectations at a certain level. But they really didn’t do her justice. So on the physical plane I was the big underdog, but usually that’s ok since I most of the time feel atleast like an equal when looking beyond that, but no luck there either. So I was nervously trying to get through the 1 1/2 hour of getting to know each other talk over 2 beers trying not to screw up too badly and I think I did ok. Although I think I may have left her with the impression I was a irresponsible, gambling alcoholic computer nerd… ok, that last part is probably true…
But I’m hoping she saw that I was just nervous and will gimme the chance to make it up to her with another date. Just unlike me to get that way.
Yeap, I did end up going to the Nightwish concert since I just can’t say no. Started off with a few beers, went over there late enough for the opening act to be done with we hoped… but it wasn’t so we took 2 more beers and so the show started. And what a show! Awesome! The band rocked for 2 hours like it was nothing and I loved it! Unfortunately the arena was the worst place I’ve ever been to a concert at (which doesn’t say much) but still a kick ass evening! Now I just hope the beeping in my right ear goes away unlike the beeping in my left ear after the Moby concert – but even if it doesn’t, totally worth it!
I can’t decide if I love or hate dentists. I mean there’s gotta be something wrong with a person waking up every morning, going to work and spend their day in strangers mouths with all the disgusting things in there. I can’t possibly imagine anyone enjoying that. But I am really grateful someone is doing that job! Then there is this whole “I learned something new today thing” – I still learn new stuff about computers and software every day, but there are only that many things that can go wrong with teeth and only so many things they can do to fix it! … The old argument of how expensive it is isn’t really holding anymore though, last time I charged for fixing a computer (2 years ago) the going rate was $120 per hour, and I wasn’t that academically educated and if I f*cked up worst case was that person had to buy a new computer. A dentist goes to school for years and their worst case results in surgery and permanent injuries and she only charged me … $120 for 40 minutes of her time.
But still, gotta be something wrong with a person for enjoying a work like that…
>I woke up today feeling pretty happy about things. I got my wheels changed on my car so I can drive this winter, I got “Sunshine” on Blueray, I saw plenty of nice women on my way to work and work has gone on pretty well. I was pretty happy. Then someone that remembered my little update a few weeks ago about “no is not always a no, sometimes it means ‘try harder'” and that rape-trial that was going on. Anyway, she pointed me to a new website produced by “Operation Kvinnofrid” that was designed to talk about this kind of thing. The site is called “okejsex.nu” and at first I really liked it. And I was just looking for the “and this is for you girls – don’t say no when you don’t really mean it” part. And there was nothing! The entire site just has one messages – rapists are just guys not knowing where the line is drawn. There is this whole section about mutual respect and all that. The thing is if I lived by what that website is promoting (and come to think of it, I think I do…) I wouldn’t be getting any sex ever at all. I got pretty pissed at it cause noway at all does it even suggest that girls saying no while meaning try harder is even an issue or that it even exists. So very biased. Oh well, atleast I got my cookies!
After the past months of having busy weekends I had one with absolutely no plans what so ever. Not even buying groceries or leaving the apartment. Although I eventually did both. And bought myself a new exercise bike to break.
But most of all I steamrolled through a ton of episodes of “House”. I love that show. I love that character, have so much in common with that guy it’s scary. From the sarcastic humor at everyones expense to the bittery view of mankind as a whole, I totally love that character. And then I changed channel to TV4 Comedy and saw Hugh Laurie in the good old Black Adder episodes, what a laugh 🙂
And tomorrow it’s back to work again but I really did have a kick ass lazy weekend not doing shit.
Yesterday we had a bachelor party for my old friend Henrik. We went to the same school for 12 years and in the same class for 6 and basically spent every weekend of my 15,16 and 17 years with him, Janne and Johan. We did a very successfully kidnapping when he thought he was going for a doctor’s appointment. We went to play some paintball (which hurt more than I remember), dinner at Fridays, then some relaxing spa and finishing off at a nightclub near his home so he could easily get home if we got _that_ loaded. It was around 12 hours of fun for everyone (I hope) while drinking loads amounts of beer. Really good stuff. The only problem was that nightclub stuff. I’ve never liked nightclubs really but at the very least I get drunk and some blackjack. We ended up at Garbo’s which is a place I used to sped alot of weekends at when I worked at MinDator back when I was 20-25. Back then it was fun. This time it was just sad. The meat market feeling was 10 times worse than I remember it. And I was just laying back and just not even bothering. Some of the guys, most of which were hitched, asked why I wasn’t up picking up some of the very nice chicks there (and some of them were hot enough to make me believe in god again), my response was 1) It’s gone to the point where I don’t even bother, too much work and 2) … would you really wanna drag a chick that dresses like that home to mother? I just can’t bother with it any more, and it’s alot of fun watching some guys try really hard and not noticing that “get me out here!” looks the girls give their friends 🙂
And then there was the music. It wasn’t too loud it was just… 80% of the music people danced to were music I used to enjoy and dance to when I was half my current age, it was just hotted up with a tempo beat. Just so completely wrong and it felt so recycled and when “Mr Vain” played it felt like all this kids should just leave and let the old schoolers rock the dance floor 🙂
But generally a VERY succesfull evening!! Pictures!!
A while back I made an update that I’m a sucker for tradition. And today I’m proving that yet again – if I were to call anyone up and say “happy birthday” out of the blue they would be completely shocked and wonder what tha hell was wrong with me. I just don’t do it. I either forget it or it’s not a big deal or that person don’t wanna be reminded of it, or I do think about it but before I actually make it happen something else comes up.
Well today is my sister’s 24th birthday (ok, not really 24th but let’s play ‘pretend’!) and I totally know it, I’ve had plenty of time to call her, hell I’ve even talked to her this morning, but it’s just not me. It’s almost a tradition by now. Which is a weird tradition to NOT do something. But weird is good…
One of the reasons I’ve gotted used to when being dumped is that I’m too nice, too harmless. I dunno why chicks don’t dig that, but they don’t.
But yesterday I had to use it when calling it off with a girl I’d dated. I’d gotten to know her through one of the more serious websites and it was all good, we got along great. So we went out and she was one of the nicest women I’ve ever gone out with and I really wanted to like her. But after a week and not feeling anything more than “she’s nice” I had to call it because going on for longer I’d just be kidding myself and getting her hopes up while wasting both our time. But it really sucked having to split when I knew what a nice woman she was and that she would’ve been 10 times better for me than some of the women I’ve actually fallen for.
… go go Vulcans!!
Took the last and final step in the long dance with “Chapter Closed” and removed her as friend on Facebook. I thought we’d be cool but everytime I saw her name flash by I got more and more negative vibes and in the end there was just two options – talk it out with her or remove her so I wouldn’t see her name flash by. And she made it clear she don’t wanna talk it out…
But I’m happy cause I’ve got a date tomorrow 🙂
Weird weekend that was! On thursday I had a date (went pretty good), on friday I decided to try out jogging now that my bike is broken then got busy Warcrafting and then the new computer game Hellgate hit the stores. On saturday I squezed myself into a pair of 34″ waist jeans… two things about that that just makes me think I’m going nuts – first of all jeans. I haven’t worn jeans since the 80’s basically. So why now? Well quite a few women have said “now that you’ve lost all that weight, when are we gonna see you in jeans?” so I had to do it only to shut them up. And they were 34″ waist!! Back in may I was wearing 42″ !! That’s 8 inches gone in 4 months! (not counting the last month since I haven’t lost anything in the past weeks)!!
Then we hit the sci-fi convention that was in town over the weekend, followed that up by catching “1408” (slightly disappointing movie) and finished the weekend with even more Warcrafting and jogging. Man that was a busy weekend. And this week I didn’t have much planned at all. Now I got go-carting on thursday, dinner with friends on friday, probably date-dinner on saturday and home to my parents for father’s day on sunday. And I’m not even trying to keep busy, I just am!
I just love contrasts and today I got the best one yet! The train I take to work in the morning starts 2 stations ahead of me so by the time it comes to my station it isn’t very well heated. And this was a pretty cold morning. So I get on the train and squeeze myself into a corner seat next to the radiator that was set to max burn. So on my left side I’m all warm and good and my hand is almost too hot, but on my right side it’s cold and my right hand is almost freezing. Interesting scenario 🙂
Ok, that is a pretty bad comment but it’s such an obvious joke when you create a TV show about a doctor called House!?
My weekend was so slow (but not boring!) that I downloaded and watched the first season of “House M.D”. It’s pretty funny and at the same time worrying how much can go wrong with the human body! I mean if I wasn’t a hypocondriac before I saw the show I’m pretty sure I am now, can’t even sneeze without thinking about the preassure that it puts on my body!
And I’ve been doing alot of riding my exercise bike in the past months. So much that I think I broke it. And I have no idea where to hand in stuff like that for service. So I guess I’ll gain a few pounds again 🙁
Wow, that week went by way too quickly. And nothing in particular happened. Not that I’m gonna bore you with anyway. As a matter of fact it’s been a really boring week. Usually that’s a symptom that you’ve got some kick ass weekend you’re looking forward to that the week just flies by, and that’s the weird thing, I was sure I’d made some plans for this weekend with someone but just can’t remember what it was?! Coming up empty which means it’s gonna be a slow weekend with Warcraft, catching up with Heroes and movies and hoping someone calls and say “hey, got a party brewing, come over” 🙂
Accidentally caught some live show with Avril Lavigne, you know that small pissed off 17 year old canadian that was big in 2001/2002? … she grew up really nicely. Not a big fan of her music unfortunately.
This weekend we had a kick-off conference thing planned for the entire IT department at work, which is a total of 13 people. The last 2 events we’ve done haven’t been that successfull so my expecations weren’t high at all. And when we got there and there was a guy there that started talking that we were gonna learn to communicate better and that’d help us professionally as well as privately. My usual “yeah right, as if he knows my job, this ain’t gonna help me one bit”-persona kicked in but I am at least gonna hear him out. So I listened to him carefully and followed his arguments and stuff he said and… well, I don’t think he said much I didn’t already know and not alot that we couldn’t figure out for ourselves and most of it was “ofcourse”, but his way of presenting it and giving real life examples and adapting to exactly how it would help me every day thinking about those things and how to deal with people of different personalities and handling stuff like that, it was quite interesting. And it certainly will affect me professionally, no doubt about it. Personally?… probably not, but we’ll see. Overall a very good weekend. And I got to do a bit of cooking when we actually had to cook our own 4 course dinner which was pretty fun. Just too bad it sucks cooking dinner when you’re single 🙂
I tried avoiding the camera as well but one guy from our Gothenberg branch caught me and I’m pretty happy with the result! (yes, photoshopped slightly)
Actually don’t remember exactly where that quote is from, think it was some “Star Trek Deep Space Nine” episodes?
ANYWAY, let’s get a little bit less serious than yesterday. ‘Cause I’ve been catching up on some movies and wanna share some opinions:
Bourne Ultimatum : I likes this series of films. Alot. The first one was really good but the second one was a bit of a letdown with all the action but not much storywise. But this one made up for that. Highly recommended. And not alot of romance to spoil it either.
Resident Evil Extinction : Again, loved the first one but second one was just a bit too much flipped out for my liking and having two action chicks didn’t really work. But this one made up for that a bit. Not quite as good as the first but better than the 2nd.
28 Weeks Later : Sequel to 28 days later which I never really got what the point was. And same with this, didn’t really get the point. And except for that tilted helicopter scene just a big waste of time.
Knocked up : Surprisingly deep but not as funny as I hoped it would be. Still recommend it though. And good sex ed film for kids 🙂
The biggest news here in sweden is a rape-trial that just finished with the “guilty!” verdict. I don’t know the exact details but I’m getting a bit frustrated… Everone and their cousins are hurrying to say “this a good verdict since the court have finally ruled that a no is really a no”.
I’m sorry to burst bubbles but what kinda fucked up dating world did they live in, if any !?
I’ve lived the single’s life and somewhat active dating life for about a decade and no, it really isn’t. After having played all those mind games and walked the mindfields, trying to play mindreader and all those hoops that chicks today make you go through the one thing I’ve learnt is “no” is most of the time really a “try harder”. I was raised with the utmost respect for women so I’ve always accepted a no as a no which is why it totally backfires with all the girls that says something but really means something else.
Ofcourse there’s a big difference between dating and saying no when it comes to the actual sex part but it’s kinda the old story of the boy who cried wolf – after turning so many no’s into yes’ I can see how someone might not take that last no as a real no.
Ofcourse rape is always wrong and noone should ever say anyone deserves it and ofcourse in this case it was pretty clear the bastards were guilty and ofcourse I will always respect a no and I will never say it’s ok for any guy to have sex with a chick that’s not into it that’s not what this post is about – I get so fed up with everyone being politically correct by saying a no is always a no. Cause it ain’t. And I didn’t make the rules and I’m not even playing those games anymore.
Let me tell you about the latest mine that blew up in my face. This was on saturday when sweden was playing a qualifying match against Lichtenstein for the soccer European Championship. It was our fourth date and we went to Heron City to catch a movie and afterwards she wanted to go eat something and I named every restaurant in the vicinity and got to “O’Learys” and she said “let’s go there! they have good food there, and you can watch the soccer game”. Now I’m not that crazy about sports but I do like to see the game if sweden is playing. And this game was a slam dunk victory, Lichtenstein isn’t that good. So I would never have suggest going there cause I wanted to see the soccer game nor would I have cried had I missed it. But she wanted to go there. But ofcourse that was a trap. I should ofcourse have called a limo to take us to an italian restaurant with candlelight and all that. Which is ofcourse what I would have done had she given any clue that she liked that kind of romantic stuff… *sigh* .. next date I’m gonna make it clear that she had better be straightforward with stuff like that.
Now I’m done and gonna expect a call from my very upset mother yelling at me for saying that rape is ok… which I didn’t really say…
I never seize to be amazed at how music can make you feel, and how music can make you remember certain events and times and sometime an exact moment with all the details.
Some examples : Uncle Crackers “Follow Me” remind me of novemer/december 2001 when I had just gotten my drivers license and everytime I borrowed my dads car that song was playing on the radio. Spin Doctors “2 Princes” reminds me of a mini-marathon school event that I never ran cause of my asthma and as I was sitting in the control booth enjoying a warm sunny summer day that song thumping. Simple Minds “Don’t You Forget About Me” of the night I met “case closed” and she had no clue about the song and I knew (and was drunk enough to sing!) every word, Linkin Parks “Somewhere I Belong” about that perfect moment back in May… I could go on with like 100 songs that has that affect.
It’s really weird and there’s probably been a good psychological study on it that I’d love to read. It also really helps me doing my daily 30 minute on the exercise bike seem like 10 minutes when thumping Rammstein. Unfortunately my neightbour didn’t agree with me…
Why am I talking about that? Because I just downloaded a gigabyte or so of remixed 80’s and 90’s songs and it just got me so happy listening to them 🙂
Now a friend of mine wants me to go to the Nightwish concert in December here in Stockholm and I’m a bit undecided. Their latest CD is… weird. It’s a mix of so very many things I don’t know what to make of it… some of it sounds very much like the Metallica vs. San Fransisco orchestra concert and some of it like old viking music. But I haven’t gone to a concert in a long time. And I still can’t say no to women. So I guess I’m going…