Donating blood

Today I did something I haven’t done in over a year. Donated blood. I haven’t been allowed to do that since I’ve been to “malaria infected countries” which results in a 6 month ban from giving blood. And obviously they have read my entry about me not being able to donate blood at Huddinge hospital, because now I can. Unfortunately, their computer systems aren’t connected to the ones at the donor place I used to go to so I had to fill out all the forms and take new blood tests to ensure that my blood is clean. They didn’t trust me when I said I had my blood tested twice in may -03 (blood donation & pre-vaccination), august  -03  (pre-vaccination), twice in november -03 (once for malaria and once in nigeria), december -03 (trying to diagnose salmonella), january -04 (pre-vaccination), may -04 (annual physical) and once just two weeks before when I busted my ankle (still don’t know what one has to do with the other!). I had to take one more blood test to be sure. So I’ve REALLY made up for never having my blood tested before that and now I’m so positive and reassured I’ve got no bad things in my veins.

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