US vs Iraq

I know I’ve been avoiding the biggest world issue today by totally ignoring the Iraq-issue. But I’m actually not sure on which side I’m on – pro or con. The pacifist in me says it’s wrong, war only leads to death & misery and there’s gotta be another way. The anti-Bush in me says that’s it’s partially his fault, he’s painted himself in a very tight corner so he can’t NOT go to war. Then we have the fair-player inside me that hates what Saddam is doing, pushing the limit of what he can get away with and playing everyone against the states and cooperating at the very last minute and b.s like that. But going along my rule of conduct that “Don’t expect anything from someone else you can’t deliver yourself” I’m almost on the side of Iraq. ‘Cause think about it, what has Saddam done that the US hasn’t?

They are supporting terrorist. Probably, but so did the US during the Soviet vs. Afghanistan war, as well as Iraq vs. Iran war and they’re still supporting the anti-Saddam rebels in Iraq.

He’s killing his own citizens. True, but so does US only they call it “capital punishment” and Bush is a big supporter of that. They try to develop nuclear weapons. So did the US 50 years ago.

They have weapons of mass-destruction. The US has the biggest arsenal of them all! They refuse to inventory their weapons arsenal and cooperate with the arms inspectors. And exactly what would the US say if someone tried to inventory their arsenal? Iraq isn’t cooperating with the UN. Neither is the US right now, and have they yet paid off their huge debt to the UN? Have they signed on the UNICEF resolution about children’s rights?

So I really think they should be trying to solve their own problems instead of trying to start a war noone wants and they can’t afford. But that’s just me.

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