6:10 : My alarm clock starts beeping followed by a THUMP as my hand come crashing down.
6:12 : My cell phones alarm clock goes off which actually wakes me up.
6:20 : I step into the shower.
6:27 : I crawl back into bed.
6:30 : I listen to the news.
6:39 : I put my clothes on.
6:42 : I shave.
6:44 : I brush my teeth.
6:46 : I put on some aftershave, deo and spray while thinking about the ozone layer.
6:47 : I arm myself with wallet, keys, security card, coins (for the coke machine), buss card, food stamps, cell phone, sunglasses and the CD I burnt the night before.
6:49 : I turn off all lights, lock my door and start walking to either the train station or my car.

I bet that’s more than you wanted to know about me, huh?

About the Author


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