
I’m baffled at how mankind is still alive!

During the past year I’ve been surprised again and again and how much can go wrong with a pregnancy and how it all of a sudden can go bad! Ofcourse I knew it had it’s risks, I watched E.R like everyone else in the 90’s but still didn’t know it was that much that could go wrong! Not to mention the actual “giving birth” part! I’m a bit scared to even imagine how they did it a thousand year’s ago.

But now that he’s actually out there’s still a few hundred or so defects that won’t show up, like PKU (“phenylketonuria”), I’d never even heard about that before!

And to top all of that – the infant is completely helpless and at mercy of others for a solid 2-3 years atleast! Check the animal kingdom, what other animal needs to protect and feed it’s offspring for that long!? How long does it take for a foal to walk? Hours? Takes a year for a human baby!

It’s really quite amazing how we’re not extinct!!

Cooling Down…

Now we’re into day 11 of Sam’s life and me and Helena have tried to be as good new parents as we can giving him whatever he wants. It really get’s to you when your son is screaming as loud as he can and you can’t get the milk to cool down fast enough for him. And I’m getting good at changing diapers!
Fortunately for us in Sweden we’re aloud 10 days off from work after having a baby but as of monday I’m a working man again. It’s bitter sweet, I liked being with my son all the time but it’s also liberating being at work when you only have to take care of work.

But before that we’re going to my parents this weekend to unwind a bit 🙂