It’s All In The Head

Today I proved something pretty important – no matter what happens, if you have the attitude for it you can make a bad day great. I had a terrible start of the day with oversleeping a bit, train being canceled and next train being full and just a lot of things going bad. But then at around 9 I just decided that “today is gonna be a GREAT day, so there!”. And the day continued to throw one problem after another at me, including Vodafones totally incompetent support and me having gotten all the way home before I realized I’d forgotten my keys at work and had to go back in, it didn’t matter ’cause I had decided that “today was gonna be a great day”. And it was! 🙂

Size Is A Funny Thing

About a year ago when I was out to buy some clothes again I was looking at the 42″ shelf while buying pants, which was kinda embarrassing and also limited the choice of clothes I could actually buy (if I wanted to wear them that is). But after last July’s awful exercise in laziness and me almost hitting 120 kilos I spent half of august and most of September going down and I almost reached 100 before I called it quits. It just wasn’t fun and I enjoy food too much and when you’re counting the calories while exercising it’s kinda hard to enjoy a big dinner without thinking “how many hours is this on the treadmill”. And yesterday was actually the first time I’ve been out shopping clothes since then and I can now squeeze into a 38″ pants. That’s sweet 🙂

And speaking of nutritional diets and tying that in with the talk about advertisements – Delicato, who makes really good but not that nutritious snacks and cookies, are doing a major PR campaign at the moment. And the point of them all is “our food isn’t healthy”! My favorite is the one saying “Warning: May contain traces of vitamins and minerals”.

Going out to a party tonight with some of the SoulCrusher gang. It’s a warm-up to our 10 year anniversary party tomorrow. Not looking forward to Sunday…

People Are Idiots

My old saying “a person is smart but people are idiots” was proven once again today. I decided to go into Stockholm an hour earlier today to get some shopping done. I got to H&M and when I came in there was a sea of chicks there in front of me. Normally I wouldn’t complain but these weren’t the nice, gentle, fun and loving bunch of women, oh no, it was women out to get their piece of Madonnas’ new clothing collection that premiered today. I’ve never witnessed this kinda thing before, always heard jokes about it. And it was so hilarious but pathetic at the same time how people who are normally intelligent behaves like a pack of animals like this… then I walked passed the lot and had the entire male section to myself.

And the other day I had a link to a hilarious commercial. Well today I have this link which is an ad for computer developers. It’s fun in all languages but I can’t be bothered to translate it all for you, but let’s say it’s full of irony, sarcasm and jokes at computer geeks expense. All good!!

Life Goes On

Same old same old… trying to keep my allergies and rash under control which I’m barely managing, think I may need another visit to the doctors for this soon. Had a kick ass weekend which included, but wasn’t limited to, my sister, brother and nephew pulling an all nighter on Saturday to enjoy the F1 premiere from Australia. Loved it! And tonight I’m going out with my old employer “Pulsen” but as a customer for once…

Some movie reviews ; “The Prestige” – Weird movie that was hugely disappointing and was filmed weirder than “Memento”. “Stranger Than Fiction” – I don’t know if it’s because I hit my 30’s but all of a sudden there’s a huge onslaught of movies about people asking “where is my life going?” and re-discovers themselves. Is that a sign or what? Pretty decent movie. And we finished off with “Eurotrip”. No matter what mood you’re in, that movie always works. It’s a shame it didn’t get any bigger than it was because it so totally owns.

Was That All There Was?

2 weeks ago we had minus degrees, we had snow and it was winter. Today I was walking around in the city in a t-shirt and wasn’t the least bit cold. But I’m not complaining, the sooner we get this transition over with the sooner my allergies will settle down. Although it’s pretty much under control at the moment.

Btw, LOVE this commercial. It’s an ad for a Swedish internet provider and their slogan is “Our customers are used to going fast”. If I wasn’t already a customer I’d switch to them just for this commercial…

Mind Over Matter

You know I hate taking medication, right? I’m the guy that thinks twice before even taking a pill for a headache! So when I went to the doctors and got all this stuff to combat my allergies and especially that crap that I was suppose to put in when I take a bath I hated it. But now, 3 days later it’s all under control and I only had to use 2 of the 4 prescription drugs I got – very strong cortisone lotions. Didn’t need that crap in my bath fortunately…
But now, aside from a bit if itching, I’d say that’s over. If only i hadn’t waited over 2 weeks to see a doctor…

And I won another round of Scrabble. Don’t ask me how I do it cause I really don’t have a clue, I just seem to be good at it…

Going Back To My Youth

You know how I always say that things used to be better and I wanna relive my childhood? Well I take it all back today! A small part of my childhood was spent dealing with my allergies and stuff and bathing in some disgusting liquid that was suppose to make it all go away. I’ve surpressed most of that so it can’t have been good. Well today I went to a doctor to check up on my allergies and she wrote prescription alot of stuff including this shit I have to bathe in again. Not sure I wanna do that. I mean the allergies are annoying but not to the degree I wanna put myself though that again.

Fin While It Lasted

I’ve had a good run health-wise for the past 2 years ever since I got rid of that damn headache. Haven’t had much to complain about since then. Except now! About a week ago my allergies started acting up and bothered me but not too bad, it does that a little now and then. But now it’s an all out war with rash all over! Think I may have to go to the doctor and get myself a shot of cortison if it doesn’t let up soon because clarityn and lotion isn’t cutting it anymore. This was one of the reasons I didn’t go out, as was the fact I had just donated blood which means one beer has the same effect 5 has usually.

A Defining Day .. And I Screwed It Up

Ever had one of those days you feel was very defining, that had you done this things might have been very different? I had one of those yesterday. Probably should keep it to myself, but tha hell with it…

When me and my last “girlfriend” (it’s a stretch to say that since we never got that serious) split it was under real good circumstances and both were totally cool about it and I even joked that next time we meet eachother at a party or something who knows. And I didn’t wanna mess with fate too much so I didn’t go out of my way to make that hapened. But that party was yesterday. Was I there? NO! For alot of reasons I said no to going out with a few of my friends and as it turns out they ended up at the same party. I have no idea what’d happened had I been there but as usual I wasn’t there to find out. I’m a dork sometimes. And I could ofc blame them for not giving me a call but that wouldn’t be right.

Oh well…

Back To The Bloodbank

Today I donated blood. Again. For the 10th time. And when you hit that mark you get your first pin. Me so proud 🙂 Unfortunately it was a really bad day for the nurse who failed miserably at getting a good vein so my muscles are pretty sore and I’m bound to be a bit blueish tomorrow. Small price to pay I think.

And then the superficial part of me kicked in. The part of my brain I wanna turn off since it goes off on tangents with all kinds of crazy ideas and observations… don’t read on if you wanna keep on respecting me… I may very well be spoiled with all the beautiful women at work and in Stockholm, I just need to walk around the block and I’ll see atleast 10 gorgeous women… but I have yet to find the ward for beautiful women in hospitals. Seriously, where are they? Every time I’ve been to a hospital you may see a cute nurse or two but that’s it.. Why is that? Does it mean beautiful women have superior DNA and doesn’t get sick as much as the rest of us? Or is it because women aren’t that beautiful before they got their make-up on (which most of the women at hospitals haven’t bothered with)? Oh the great mysteries of life. To be continued…

Oooo, ice cream…