Goodbye 2006

That’s 2006 done with. Let’s do a little positive overview : I went through 3 girlfriends, had a blast at work, took myself out of the country twice, got my finances in order, lost a bit of weight and haven’t been to the hospital once (not counting my blood donations). A negative overview : I went through 3 girlfriends, only got out of the country twice, still don’t have a savings account, I’m still at 100 kg and I ended the year in a sad “where is my life going?” kinda way.

But overall 2006 was a good year that will mostly be remembered as the year of Warcraft for me. I would never say I wasted my time on it since it was so much fun and I made so many friends. I’m actually going down to Italy to party with a few of them. But it does feel like 2006 went by way too quickly and I could’ve, should’ve, done more with that year than playing a computer game that much.

So what does 2007 have in store for me?