Boldly Going Baldl

One of the few things I like about kids is that they lack this filter that grownup have that makes us unable to just say the cold simple truth about things. And this week one of my nieces showed that by spontaneously stating “you’re losing your hair!”. That was a funny moment 🙂

I’ve known that fact for the past year or so that it’s gettig a bit barren up there but thought that I was exaggerating a bit but when she laid it out like I guess I’m not! And it’s with mixed feelings really. The positives is ofc that I won’t have anymore bad hair days, I won’t have to get that many haircuts, I’ll save money on hair products, I’ll cut off another 3-4 minutes in my morning routine to sleep a little bit longer and I hope to do it Patrick Stewart / Bruce Willis / Michael Chiklis style. And the only one negative thing I can come up with is… it’s another reason for chicks to pick the other guy than me. And I’m sorry for sounding so shallow but that’s the single’s life for you…

Ode To Platonic Friendship

About 10 years ago I met this woman when we were going to see the latest Star Trek movie “First Contact”. She was all kinds of weird and interesting but also married with children so being friends would have to do. Little did I know that 10 years later we’d still be very close friends having supported each other through very rough times and I’ve talked to her about things I haven’t talked to anyone else about. And last weekend she again proved what a great friend she is! She knows I’m a huge Battlestar Galactica fan and she somehow managed to get a hold of the Playboy issue featuring Tricia Helfer! Now how many women would do that for a guy!?


I was reading the papers the other day that was doing a summary of last few months weird weather that’s caused a heatwave that’s killed a few hundred people down in south Europe and now all the flooding in Britain that’s now coming over here. And it made me wonder… how long are we talking until mankind has to go into survival mode? I’m talking apocalyptic, primal “survival of the fittest” mode where morals and conscious goes out the window. It looks more and more likely it’ll be in my lifetime. I honestly think we could use a good viral epidemic or something that’d wipe a billion or two, that seems to be the only thing that can help this. May sound assholish but fewer people, less consumerism, less energy, less heat, fewer problems… for the ones that survive anyway.
So glad I don’t have kids…

Wasted Weekend. Or?

I didn’t have anything special planned this weekend. So I just kicked back, watched a movie or two, played some WoW and other stuff and just relaxed. Nothing to do and all weekend to do it. A few years ago I loved weekends like that. Dunno if I’m getting too old or what but now those weekends feels almost wasted. I feel I should either spend more time with my family or friends or be out finding the woman of my dreams or do something productive in any way. But nope.

Live Earth

So did you watch the Live Earth thingy? I did. Kinda. I watched it, but not live. I left my place at 15 and just sat the recorder to record until 8 the morning after and I watched during sunday, so I could easily fast forward the boring parts. I’m so tired of rap music from MTV that I can’t stand it in these concerts. Anyway, overall I think it was a great show and they really got the message through. Personal favorites would be Wolfmother in Sydney, Linkin Park in japan, Metallica and Madonna (she may not e 20… or 30… and soon not even 40 anymore, but she can still rock like none other) in London, Joss Stone in Johannesburg, Katie Melua in Hamburg, Lenny in Rio and Alicia Keys in NY. I liked some of the small films but after seeing the same one 10 times it got boring.

The only complaint I have is actually the swedish broadcast. Especially the early broadcast when they had a guy that read everything off the internet and pretended to know music and his guests that couldn’t really decide what they were and what music they liked. The evening crew was much better though, especially Per “the long haired meteorologist”, he really got into the issues and sat some facts straight and had alot of interesting things to say. The night crew followed the morning crews tradition of reading stuff off the internet as they were broadcasting but not nearly as annoying. Next time I’m gonna demand to get the straight satellite feed so I don’t have to put up with that shit again cause I remember they screwed up the Live 8 thing too.

One question though… how much energy does it take to run 8 big concerts like this with complete “good enough for Metallica” speakers. Just out of curiosity?…

Going Geek

Talk more about the Live Earth concert tomorrow, right now I’m gonna go all geek on you. Two major things in the geek world at the moment that’s pissing me off alot at the moment.

First one is Piratebay again. Remember that site that hosts alot of torrent links with which you can download movies, music and all that stuff. Swedish police have tried shutting it down for years, and two years ago our attorney general, Tomas Bodström, pretty much ordered a raid after getting a call from Hollywood and swedish police confiscated all hardware, which shut down alot of unrelated sites who happened to be there in the same datacenter. It was the biggest abuse of power and should have blown up big. And it kinda did cause they lost the election a few months after. But now the guy who was the attorney general is in charge of an anti-child pornography organisation that reported piratebay for hosting child pornography which is gonna result in them getting blacklisted on swedish ISP’s so swedes won’t be able to visit the site. Total powerabuse again! And believe me, every time child pornography is found on that site 10.000 geeks report it right away and it’s removed fast as hell. ‘Cause just because we think it’s ok to download a movie that’s not worth the cost of going to the movies doesn’t mean we have more tolerance for that shit!

Then it’s a consumerist site in the states that got reports that Geek Squad (a bunch of computer geeks fixing everyone’s computer Ghostbuster style) techies were copying stuff of the computers that they were fixing. So they rigged a computer with porno and sent it in with orders to fix something completely unrelated and recorded as the techie copied the stuff and “OMG! the invasion of privacy!! he even copied my holiday pictures!”. I’ve done my time trying to fix computers like that and believe me… it’s common. It’s so common that I didn’t even think people did not know that. Don’t they remember how Gary Glitter got caught? He had child pornography on his computer when it broke down, he handed it in and the geek fixing it saw it and reported it to the police. Copying porn, MP3’s, movies or software isn’t an invasion of privacy (ok, maybe if the porn features you) and I’m fairly sure all these places have a clause saying “we will search your harddrive”. And about the holiday pics? Do you really think geeks wants to see your holiday pics? Nope, it just ends with JPG and was just got copied because you wanted your computer back asap, when the geek sees it he’ll hardly save it. Ofc where I work now this doesn’t happen since we have a “do not save files on your harddrive, and everything on your harddrive belongs to the company!” policy.

Why do people think geek don’t have morals or integrity?!

Here We Go Again #2

When I was younger, so much younger than today, there was this huge concert at Wembley and simultaneously in Philly. It was called Live Aid and it was an initiative by Bob Geldoff to raise awareness of the starvin marvins (south park joke). Then it was Live 8 two years ago that was basically about how the northern heamosphere are ignoring the southern.

And tomorrow it’s time again! But this time to raise awareness of the growing environmental issues. You know all the talk about how we’re killing this planet. Or not? It’s gonna go on for some 20 hours in 7 cities in 7 continents and it’s gonna be big.

I dunno, maybe it’s my “I remember when I was young” attitude but it’s kinda hard to beat the original one. Because it was original.


I saw season 6 of “24” last week. I dunno what to make of that show, sometimes it’s getting a bit repetetive and this time it was even predictable. But I can’t help it, I just have to watch the next episode. And the next. And the next. And got a big movie weekend coming up with both Die Hard 4 and Transformers that I’m actually gonna watch “the way it was meant to” 🙂

And Here We Go Again

And once again I failed to have a relationship that lasted more than 3 weeks. I’m quite the expert at that. This time it was my fault however, I know exactly what was wrong but there is just noway you can effect the way you feel no matter how bad you want to. Back to being single again, and I’m definitely an expert at that!

What’s so provocative?

About a month ago I read an article about some new swedish song some chick had recorded and put up on the net and it had spread like a wildfire because it was such a cool song. From what I understood at the time it was basically a song about a chick out partying and picking up a guy for a one night stand and dumping him in the morning. I’m a pretty liberal guy who appreciates women that can take initiative like that so I just thought all those people dissing it and getting upset were just too prude and conservative.

Until I heard it myself the other day. To sum up the lyrics – a girl at 4 am realises it’s time to hook up, grabs the first guy she sees, says “you’ll do”, drags him home, tells him to fuck her using all 3 holes and pound on her until she’s blue and yellow like the swedish flag and then waking up next morning and saying “who tha hell are you? Noway I’d have sex with a guy like you, no matter how drunk I was, get that fuck out here”. And as if that wasn’t irritating enough, she couldn’t sing worth a damn, there was no music at all and she wasn’t even nice too look at. Sorry, but if you make a song like that you have to be able to take the criticism. But there she was sitting in the “good morning sweden!” couch wondering “what’s so provocative about this song”?! … “I dunno bitch, maybe you should sing it to all girls who’ve been beaten yellow and blue by guys who think they wanted it! Or maybe to all the guys charged with rape because the woman was that wasted but said ‘go for it’. Or maybe to your own daughter!”…. yeah, it got me upset. People who do stuff only to provoke people and then saying “what’s so provocative?” annoys me.

Did I Forget You Again?

Busy few days. I’ve been to a course in Sharepoint which is gonna be big. Well, big in the computer world anyway. Other than that I’m … actually almost afraid to write stuff here since my new… is girlfriend too soon to say?… anyway, she’s reading this place so I’m careful right now.

Another thing is that a friend of mine lost her cousin during the weekend and I’ve done my best to support her and it got me thinking back 5 years to when I lost my best friend all of a sudden. Very depressing indeed but a good reminder that no matter how much we try to control our lives there’s nothing we can do when life serves these curveballs.

"No, seriously…"

That date on saturday, that was very spontaneous, went pretty ok. What I liked about her was her humor so when we were having dinner and talking I think we sat the record of how many times the phrase “no, seriously…” have been used in one hour. ‘Cause both of us were very sarcastic, ironic and making fun of ourselves that we just had to make sure when we were serious and not. I hope we’ll get a better read on each other next time or this could get complicated and end with misunderstandings. Which wouldn’t be the first time.

Other than that, life proceding as normal.

Cyber meatmarket

All of my friends and collegues who know I’m a good guy that deserves to find that “special someone” is telling me that I should really be into these online matchmaking places. So about 6 months ago I signed up on two of them and it’s terrible. I’m sitting there going through the list thinking “too old”, “too young”, “too booring”, “too far away”, there’s always something I whine about. How pathetic am I?! But the other day there was a girl there that caught my attention with a hilarious intro and we’re going out tonight. Best test to see if I’m over “you know who” I guess.

The most boring thing I know

As I said a few weeks ago my doctor gave me pills and stuff for a 10 day long “get rid of all allergies” sprint. One of the things I was suppose to do was have a bath with this purple potassium shit (or “kalium” if you wanna be accurate). I usually don’t take baths in my bathtub and I was reminded why. It’s so very frustratingly boring. I know in my head I have atleast 10 different things I should be doing so lying there completely useless not doing anything. I even tried having my laptop there, no luck. It’s still the most boring thing I know.

Finding Something To Look Forward To

So now I’ve been to italy and I’ve been to the UK, and now I honestly need to find something else to look forward to. There’s midsummer’s eve comming up but I’ve never been a big fan of that so we’ll see, but I need something more. At work everything is just ticking along nicely and my personal life isn’t ticking along at all at the moment. I got some vacation time coming up in august and nothing to do.

I guess I’ll just surf around the web finding hilarious clips like this one with some pro stealing Bush’s wristwatch, awesome 🙂

It’s A Beautiful Day

Woke up at 9.30, got my ass out on my balcony and got an hour of hot sun, got on the train into stockholm, sat down on Norrmalmstorg with shades on, a cool lemon ice tea in my hand and playing Moby’s “Lift Me Up” and that’s when it hit me… this is life 🙂

And yesterday I was introduced to, a grown up version of Lunarstorm, for people to set up a network of friends, family, send message, share pictures and keep everyone updated what’s going on. Basically what I’m doing here but here it’s just me. Go over there and register and send a friends request to Kristoffer Ström!

I’m A Slacker

 This weekend was a huge slacking weekend for me. Nothing to do on friday at all, on sunday I helped my sis moved to a new house, then out to my parents to enjoy the years first BBQ and as usual ate way way too much and thanks to the heat I couldn’t work up energy to do anything more. Then today I did nothing really important all day today, some WoW, catching up on “Heros” (awesome tv show!) and ending with a GREAT Formula 1 race from Canada. Ok it wasn’t great for Kubica but from a spectators POV it was a great. Kinda made up for the one from Monaco.

And this week I’m working late all week which in summertime means 13-20 which is just slacking! Gonna make sure to enjoy plenty of ice creams in Kungsan!

Not Him Too

Today PÃ¥vel Ramel died. That makes me sad but in a weird way makes me smile. Because he was one of the really good guys. He was a true entertainer. He always laughed, always had fun and made some classic songs and even started an award foundation for people with elite language skills (an award I obviously won’t ever win). He was fun. He will be missed. I’ve never been able to order at a japanese restaurant without laughing because of him.

Back In Action

Ok, I’m back to sweden and one of the first things I’m doing is trying to transfer this site to a new server. Here’s hoping that goes as well as I planned.

We had a blast in London! Walked around half the town, went out to Biggin Hill for the airshow, did even more walking and enjoyed some pub food and some texas food and alot of beer. All in all a kick ass weekend! Will write a day-by-day entry later when I have more time.

All I Ever Wanted, All I Ever Needed

Speaking of song lyrics I just heard one that totally describes my relationship to that girl – Depeche Modes ‘Enjoy the silence’. All I ever wanted all I ever needed is here in my arms. Words are very unecessary, they can only do harm. As long as we were just lying in her soffa holding each other it was heaven and I wanted to stop time. Then we started talking and it screwed it all up. Anyway I’m off to london now, I’m in the car to the airport and writing this on my blackberry. Hi-tech for the win! Will update when I get back. And by then I’m 32! Have fun.