I just saw “Saw”. Really scary movie. Scary as in chilling. How far would one go to survive and for ones family? I wouldn’t cut off my own foot, that’s for sure. Not that I wouldn’t want to, I just wouldn’t be able to. But a pretty good movie and another proof you don’t need that big budget to do a good movie. Then I saw “Code 46”, one of the weirdest flics I’ve seen! Not good weird and not bad weird, just weird…
That’s one more unproductive weekedend to the history books. Been a while since I’ve had one of those.
One thing that the past weeks… no, make that two years, have taught me is the joy of waking up in the morning and the first systems check shows an itch you can’t reach! I mean, if that’s the extent of your physical and psychological state when waking up, you’re doing very OK! In the past two years I’ve gone from physical highs like when I’d gotten 5 vaccination shots in preparation for my world tour to the physical low of salmonella sickness in Africa, the mental highs of sitting by the Danube with a cold beer on a hot sunny summer day to the mental low of facing long term unemployment and the ensuing almost paralyzing dyspepsia! After all of this, today I woke up and only had an itch I couldn’t reach. 🙂
Got a funny image in my head ; Natalie Portman going to the unemployment agency and being asked “how much did your last job pay per month?”. “Well I got 5 million for Star Wars Episode II and that was a very long photo shoot, 5 months so say 1 million bucks per month” 🙂 I don’t know what it’s like in other countries though but here you get a percentage of what you used to make and I’m the kind of guy who thinks these weird thoughts…
And the “new” version of Depeche Mode’s “Enjoy the Silence” rocks!
Whenever I think about how close I was to being unemployed and all the shit that comes with it I can’t help but to feel like a complete asshole. I’m almost 30 and I’ve been unemployed a full 3 days since my 15th birthday. Although I’ve had a few close calls, that’s the fact. Compare that to my friend who’s been unemployed a long, long time (3 years+). And he’s got a house and family and stuff, I’ve just got me. So even though me being unemployed doesn’t sound fun at all, other’s have had it much worse. But still manage. Let’s just hope I don’t have to manage…
But today that all changed ’cause he’s finally got a job! Congrats! 🙂
Just finished my first day as a real employee at the lawfirm. And I wish I could say it was “same old, same old”. But I can’t, cause it wasn’t. After my stomach was done playing circus for 2 hours and settled down I got into it and really enjoyed myself. It’s a much better feeling actually working there than just being a hired gun. I’m just hoping it works out and it won’t only be for 6 months, because seriously – how often do you really enjoy the place you’re working at?! I was ok at my old work, but this will (hopefully) be much better!
Ok, so why was I that depressed over 2005? Well, except that my health was seriously degrading by the day I was told that I was being laid off. It wasn’t a big shock since a couple of us haven’t had anything to do at work in the past few months and it was just a matter of time until something had to be done. But all of a sudden it was there, right in front of me. A few more paid months and then I’d actually have to go to the unemployment agency. For the first time in my life. But oh no, I wouldn’t have it. As soon as I could I called The Man at the lawfirm that I’ve worked at now and then and got a job there for atleast 6 months. So for the next months I’ll be getting double pay and doing a job I know how to do in the one building with the most beautiful women in the world. Am I complaining?… not really!
Oh yeah, my health is stabilising…
So my services are no longer needed at Pulsen, the computer consultant company I’ve been working at since summer 2001. Can’t say I’m surprised since I haven’t been making alot of money for the company the past few months. And I can’t be pissed off about it since they gave me the opportunity to travel the world. But it’s still depressing!
So how’s 2005 been for you? For me it’s been terrible. Only 2002 beet this year when it came to bad starts, but we’only 2 weeks in here so I don’t know where this’ll end. Not gonna bore you with details, but you know me – “it could be worse”, “it’s not as bad as it seems” and “it’ll be ok” are my mottos when stuff goes does the drain. 🙂
I finally got a chance to see “Team America”. What can I say? Genius! Hilarious! Absolutely mindblowingly fun! But what else is there to say about a movie that starts the romantic song with “I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark when he made Pearl Harbor”?! Just go see it!!
And here are some pictures from the party.
What a depressing week this have been. Hearing all the tragic stories of peoples fate and losses in the disaster, some makes you cry just reading about them. And yesterday I tuned in for the reality Discovery show “American Casino” that usually offers some comic relief with the banter between Ninya and Michael Tato. Unfortunately this was the episode when Michael actually dies! How depressing was that, I liked the little guy! Oh well, tonight is the 8 year anniversary of our gaming clan so BIIIIG party tonight. Fortunately I’ve got NOTHING on the schedule tomorrow 🙂
I’m one of those people who think that the best way to see if a person is well suited for his/her job, especially if it involves management, is to see how he/she performs his/her job under extreme preassure, when things are going to hell and people’s lifes are in the balance. By that meassure there are two people who should be fired. Obvious # 1 is Bush that didn’t do anything when he heard about the plane hitting the WCT and still nothing after the second one hit. And for a person who occupies the job as, as the americans call it, “the most powerful man in the world” that’s a pretty sucky thing to do.
But the close runner-up is now Laila Freivalds, our secretary of state. When I first heard about the disaster in asia when I got up on sunday 26th I kinda understood it was serious as hell but knew there was nothing I could do and was pretty sure the powers that be did all they could. Little did I know that meant going to the theater and not showing up for work until 11 am monday morning which is what she did. And now she’s seriously saying they didn’t know how bad it really was! If I get a call that we have a hard drive failure on our primary server in the weekend, I’m not gonna be able to relax or enjoy anything without trying to find out just how bad it is! But on TV there was Lottie Knutson being interviewed for a long time answering alot of questions and doing her best to be as responsible as she could and became like a familiar face as the “go-to” girl on this thing in sweden. Who was she? She’s in charge of public relations & information at one of our travelling agencies! But she knew how bad it was and desperately pleeded for help already on sunday evening. That’s pretty bad…
Someone who’s perfect for his job by this meassure however is LeRoy Cain, flight director at NASA when Columbia was suppose to come back. When he feared the worst he did exactly what he was supposed to do and kept the place cool.
Me? Well I proved in Copenhagen I can handle the stress and improvise myself out of a terrible situation…