Queen – still rocking!

Remember how I’m always saying that music was better in the 80’s and even 90’s? Well here we go again – after seeing the Live Aid concert on DVD I ordered Queen’s Wembley concert from 1986. And – wow! There really isn’t any group in todays pop-scene that can even come close to rocking that place that much! Just awesome. And a little emotional too when Freddie says that the band is gonna be together until they “f*cking die”. Good show.

The musicstore

Finally! After years and years of debating illegal downloads of MP3 and stuff we FINALLY get Apple’s music store here in sweden! For a country as high up on the IT scale it took way too long! Just wish it was a little bit cheaper but it’ll do for downloading those old 80’s tracks that noone seems to be posting in those free (read “illegal”) places.

Perfectly healthy??

My doctor just called. All the tests they did on all my blod last friday showed that I’m… in perfect health. I don’t even have a high sugar- or cholesterol level. Which makes me think they must’ve messed up ’cause with all the junkfood, and the bag of crisps I had the day before, there’s no way everything should be normal. But it is. Which eliminates most theories about my headache.

Relaxing weekend

Well that was a very relaxing weekend that I certainly needed! On friday I enjoyed some Underworld and Higlander on my new projector I bought myself as a 30th birthday gift, on saturday I enjoyed a Star Trek videoday with friends and trekkers and ended with a good hockeygame as Sweden crushed Canada and then on Sunday I slept late, enjoyed a (disappointing) Formula 1 race at O’Learys with both of my sisters and finished with another hockeygame as Sweden got crushed by the US of A. All in all – GREAT WEEKEND!

My headache troubles

Ever since Christmas I’ve had this small tiny itsy-bitsy headache. I haven’t felt it that much and haven’t even been bothered by it since most of the time I don’t even think about it. But when I’m sitting still not getting much sensory input from anything I’ve always felt it. And in the past month it’s gotten worse and started to bother me so I finally gave up and went to see the Doctor – AGAIN! Ever since my salmonella I’ve been in and out of there more than I ever thought possible for a normal healthy close-to-30 person. I was ready for anything from brain tumor to just lack of B12 or whatever. But headaches are such a non-descriptive thing that she really didn’t know what was wrong. She took tons of blood to analyze (6 vials!) and I’m off to the dentist to make sure it’s not a wisdom tooth that’s creating tension in my head. But she wrote off the tumor thing way too quickly though. Here’s hoping she knows more than Mr. “I’ve watched ER too much”. She also ordered more sun.. ? I thought that was just something your parents said when they think you’re spending too much time in front of the computer! (and yes, I have TFT screens both at home and work so it’s not that!)

Say no to WoW!

Long time no update but that’s gonna change. I made a conscious decision and just stopped playing WoW. It was sucking too much of my free time that I usually spend with friends, family or television. And 10 years ago that might’ve been alright, but I’m almost 30 and supposed to be more mature than that!…

Who am I kidding ? 🙂

Quoting for the win!

Wanna hear something depressing and deep? Well, you’re gonna:

Somehow your standard of living got stuck on survive.

Again my life has fallen into a comfortable weekly routine that I’m just going along with waiting for something to happen. First time I got this feeling I ended up travelling around the world. Second time I got it I ended up unemoployed. So I wonder what’s in store for me this time… and oh yeah, quote by Jewel. Ofcourse.

Didn’t Know It Was A Bad Thing

I tried donating blood the other day. Everytime I’ve done that I’ve had to fill in a yes/no form asking stuff like “have you been in africa” or “have you gotten a new tattoo” and stuff like that, basically make sure you haven’t done anything that could change the composition of your blood since the last time you donated. I’ve never really paid that much attention to it (and I’m suppose to work at a lawfirm!). Well, there’s one in there saying “Have you had a new sexual partner”. Well, if you check the “yes”-box there, you’re not allowed to donate blood for three months afterwards. FYI.

What’s going on?

You know, I wish something REALLY exciting could happen so I can post something.. I mean, I’ve been Bush-bashing for over a year now so that’s boring. And I could post about the terrible state of music when an idiotic & uncharacteristic song like “Money for nothing” is played all day here in sweden but it feels like I’ve done that enough too. Or maybe I’m just too busy playing World of Warcraft to notice what’s going on.

Things that makes the internet great!

Isn’t the Internet great? When pondering over “what makes the internet great” one thing that tops my list is stuff like this. Right now we have a TV show here in sweden dedicated to clips like that that. Gotta love the internet for all the laughs it’s given me 🙂

Copy protection My Ass!

Now I’m pissed off! Since I’ve started playing WoW I’ve been living in my little bubble almost oblivious to the real world. So I had no idea the new Moby album had come out in sweden but when I walked passed the CD store and saw it I just got all excited, bought it and almost ran to work to play it. And what happens? To make it more difficult for the MP3 coders out there to steal the tracks they’ve made it so copyprotected that I can’t play it on my computer! So here I am with a perfectly legal copy of a CD but still I have to download the MP3s from the internet so I can listen to it. This just pisses me! And it doesn’t help knowing that some of the $24 (!!) I paid for this CD goes to creating anti-copying software that results in this crap. Damnit! If it wasn’t a Moby-fan I’d ask for my money back!

My Very First..

Still WoW-ing all my free time away. Most interesting thing to happen recently was … my first parking ticket!! Being a bit too stressed I made an “ass” out of “u” and “mption” and thought it was free parking from 8pm when in fact it was free parking from 9pm. So I got a parking ticket at 8:26, annoying that 34 minutes cost me 420 SEK, but it was a fair cop. Up’till now I was one of those people who are described in spy movies as a made up person without as much as a parking ticket. But now I’m not. How sad…

Hotel Rwanda

Have you seen “Hotel Rwanda”? Sometimes it’s good to see these super-depressing movies – you get a good reality check on what’s on important. Some stuff that seems really important just … aren’t … and to quote the cameraman “I feel so ashamed”. At seeing stuff like this on TV and the western world who’s suppose to be more civilized not doing shit… when seeing super-depressing stuff like “Schindler’s List” I can excuse myself that it wasn’t in my lifetime. Can’t hide behind that this time.

Egypt Week

Egypt week on “Discovery Channel”, highly recommended! Way better, educational and informative than I though it’d be. One of the few upsetting programs was the one about the current fight for Egypt to get all their national treassures back from international museums. Kinda hard to argue why the rosetta-stone should be in London, huh?…


This is getting rediculous! My routine now is “wake up – go to work – work my ass off – go home – start wow – go to bed – wake up…” and so on! Everything else has taken a backseat! My apartment looks like crap, my fridge is empty and my friends and family don’t even know if I’m alive half of the time since I never hear the phone and hardly ever update this place. But what can I do – WoW is way too addictive…

Where Did All The Time Go?

Where did all my free time go? Not only am I back to working 8-5 (as opposed to 9-ish to 4-ish as I’ve been doing the past few months on Pulsen since there was no work to do), but I also bought World of Warcraft which is really sucking up my free time! It’s totally time consuming game and should have like a timer with a “max 6 hours per day” limit or something…

The last supper

Tonight we were able to get the old crew from my old company together for one last supper together. Since 4 of us have been laid off and some others will try their luck elsewhere this was probably the last time we all got together like this. Although I’ll still be in touch with some of them, I doubt we’ll ever be able to do this again. Unfortunately I was on call so I had to deal with coca cola all night and I went home way too early 🙁

But here are some pics so we can all remember it 🙂


I just saw “Saw”. Really scary movie. Scary as in chilling. How far would one go to survive and for ones family? I wouldn’t cut off my own foot, that’s for sure. Not that I wouldn’t want to, I just wouldn’t be able to. But a pretty good movie and another proof you don’t need that big budget to do a good movie. Then I saw “Code 46”, one of the weirdest flics I’ve seen! Not good weird and not bad weird, just weird…

That’s one more unproductive weekedend to the history books. Been a while since I’ve had one of those.

Systems check

One thing that the past weeks… no, make that two years, have taught me is the joy of waking up in the morning and the first systems check shows an itch you can’t reach! I mean, if that’s the extent of your physical and psychological state when waking up, you’re doing very OK! In the past two years I’ve gone from physical highs like when I’d gotten 5 vaccination shots in preparation for my world tour to the physical low of salmonella sickness in Africa, the mental highs of sitting by the Danube with a cold beer on a hot sunny summer day to the mental low of facing long term unemployment and the ensuing almost paralyzing dyspepsia! After all of this, today I woke up and only had an itch I couldn’t reach. 🙂

Funny images in my head

Got a funny image in my head ; Natalie Portman going to the unemployment agency and being asked “how much did your last job pay per month?”. “Well I got 5 million for Star Wars Episode II and that was a very long photo shoot, 5 months so say 1 million bucks per month” 🙂 I don’t know what it’s like in other countries though but here you get a percentage of what you used to make and I’m the kind of guy who thinks these weird thoughts…

And the “new” version of Depeche Mode’s “Enjoy the Silence” rocks!