Movies being too deep

I don’t know if movies are getting weirder or if I’m getting shallower (if that’s even a word?!), but lately I’ve hard trouble … “getting” some movies that have gotten great reviews for being creative, different, deep, artistic and whatnot. Like “Lost in Translation”, I so didn’t get that movie. And as a globetrotter the only parts I enjoyed were those usual problems when you’re in a new country for a week or two. But most recently it was “Adaptation” which has gotten great reviews everywhere. I saw it and I so didn’t get it. I mean, I get that it’s a screenwriter who wrote a movie about himself trying to write a screenplay that included himself and a story about orchids. And Nicholas Cage was damn good in it, no complaints about Mery Streep either, and I like Chris Cooper too. But it was just soooo boring. You kinda wondered where it’d end up, and it sure as hell didn’t end up anyway I could imagine it. And then I see “Rundown” (no-brains testosterone movie featuring The Rock), and I loved it! Is there something wrong with me for preferring a no-brainer action flic like that before a movie that’s so deep I don’t get it, if there was something to get?

Fit for fight. Almost

Now I’m almost fit for fight again. Still got a little problem lung-capacity wise so I haven’t done much excercising in the past few days, don’t wanna spoil it now that I actually feel pretty good. And you really do appreciate feeling well after being sick or “not completely healthy” for as long as I have. Fortunately, we’ve got a corporate medical plan kicking in soon so I’ll go in for a complete check up. And how will that end I wonder? “You’re cholesterol is through the roof, what’s your diet like!?” … “uh, diet?… a liter coca cola per day, atleast one big bag of chrisps per week, a couple of burgers, some pizzas, the usual…”. And I kinda wish I was kidding.

Sick of being sick!

I’m so sick of being sick! It’s been going on for so long that I actually don’t remember the last time I woke up and said “I feeeeeeeeeel good!” Over the past 5 months my health has gone from bad to bad (I’m just hoping it doesn’t go to “worse”!). No huge problems to complain about, but there’s always something wrong. Right now I’ve got deminished lung capacity which makes walking up stairs feel like a marathon, headaches that comes and goes and a slight fever. Nothing to go to the hospital or anything for (yet!), but I just want to wake up and feel good for once.

In Sweden

I recently got “The Running Man” special edition DVD. “So what, that’s an old movie”, right? It is, but the reason it’s been re-released are the two documentaries on the DVD. Two really, REALLY, good documentaries too. The first one is about the society in “The Running Man” (with the Big Brother Is Watching You-theme) and the Patriot Act. And it’s not as far fetched as it may sound, and they make alot of good points about how not thoughtrough that Act was. For example, they point out that if the Patriot Act had been in place 150 years ago, the movement for liberating the slaves in USA would never have been allowed, the Women Suffrage would have been illegal and Marthin Luther King would’ve been thrown in jail for being unpatriotic. I think we can also add the entire american revolution to that list since it would have been illegal if the Patriot Act would have existed back then!
The other documentary was about how reality shows are becoming more and more extreme and just how far they can push it. And if there can actually be a show like “The Running Man” in the near future. So I highly recommend you buying the DVD to see the documentaries, well worth the $15 I paid for it!

In Ankara, Turkey

Oh crap, here comes my asthma again! I can’t remember the last time I had a problem with my asthma, but it was really long ago. But it’s back. Fortunately I’ve still got the meds to combat it, but it’s another sign that my health is being fedexed to hell. But I am pretty thankful that I’ve got this little genetic screw-up because that’s what I used to not do the military service here in Sweden!

In Ankara, Turkey

Did you see the “re-elect Bush” video they’ve got going over there? I particulary like the part when they say Bush is a stabilizing force in a rapidly changing society. Riiiiight… “oh my god, gay people who want to do something we all take for granted and get married, let’s make that unconstitutional!”, call that stability? And they also play on the “September 11th”-factor to “emphasize how Bush rose to the occasion and dealt with the biggest crisis in american history”. If sinking the economy and invading two countries is “rising to the occasion”, I’m a little bit scared. It kinda reminds me about this animation.

Please don’t re-elect him.