Someone (less worthy to be called a person) called me “Jewish fucker” in my guestbook. First of all, I’d be happy to be called a “Jewish fucker” if I was Jewish (or sexually involved with one). But I’m not. I can only guess he called me that because of the recent quotes. The guy has obviously not read the book. If he had he would soon find it’s not as much about the Germans mistreating Jewish people, but more about the classic scenario about one group of people suppressing another and the methods they used. And that’s it.
And on that subject, here’s another quote but this time from Marthin Luther King Jr.: “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the opressor; it must be demanded by the opressed.”
Thought I’d share one of my favorite parts of the Primo Levi book:
“At dawn the barbed wire was full of children’s washing hung out in the wind to dry. Nor did they forget the diapers, the toys, the cushions and the hundred other small things which mothers remember and which children always need. Would you not do the same? If you and your child were going to be killed tomorrow, would you not give him something to eat today?”
Still not much happening in my life. Does anyone have a more interesting life for sale?
Anyway, in lack of better things to do I redid my Natalie Portman page. AGAIN. I know, I know, it’s the third time but this time it’s better and nicer. I think so anyway.
Well, guess it’s back to Primo Levi again… (depressing but still interesting!)