Sometimes I really hate computers! Usually I shrug it off by saying “if computers didn’t screw up as much, I’d be unemployed”. But yesterday I was faced with some of the biggest messes I’ve ever gotten myself into. It involved two NT servers, one Netware 4 server, two virus softwares, four hugely infected computers and a very screwed up network. Took my 7 hours to sort out, but it’s the small things that just made me pissed (and by small I mean Microsoft). Fortunately it’s solved, but I’m still getting a headache even thinking about it!


A debate that’s been going on here in sweden (and in our company!) recently has been about the use of cellular phones. The debate has mostly been about corporate financed phones, and how they should be taxed since almost everyone uses it for private things as well. That’s not what’s bothering me. What’s bothering me is how annoying people can be when they are talking in their cell-phone. Not to the person they’re talking to, but to everyone else around! I use my cell-phone for “I’ll be there in 5 minutes”-calls. I rarely talk in it for more than 1 minute. But when people are sitting on the train, in a restaurant or something and they start talking in their cell phone and keep talking for 10-15 minutes, as if it was a regular phone call I get annoyed. And they also raise their VOICE WHEN THERE’S A BAD RECEPTION!, I hate that. And it’s impossible to try and filter them out, you inevitably wind up listening to the (usually idiodic) conversation.
So please people, save those conversations for when you’re in a more private environment, ’cause the rest of us don’t wanna hear your shoppinglists!!

Btw, if anyone tries calling me in the next few days, I’ll probably not answer. I got the Star Trek – Next Generation first season DVD box, 25 episodes to watch and an entire weekend to do it in. Now if I could just get a little pink poodle on a keychain, everything would be perfect.


Today I got an e-mail that made me smile. It was yet another “take those pictures off NP.Com or we’ll sue”-letter ๐Ÿ™‚ We put up the latest scans from the “Entertainment Weekly” magazine and it took a whole day for their PR Manager, Jason Averett, to mail us asking us to take them down. The thing that made me smile was how incredibly nice and polite he was about it! I’ve gotten used to these types of letters, and if I was running a magazine and had a site like us publishing everything, I’d be mad too! But this guy was just nice. That was fun ๐Ÿ™‚ So now I like E. Weekly even more than I use to. (I used to like them alot because they have great cover-pictures)
So, guess what I saw in the TV scedule the other day? You won’t believe this… PART II of the porno version of Trixx! Isn’t that just hilarious! ๐Ÿ™‚ I didn’t bother seeing it, I just thought it was funny that they had a part II ๐Ÿ™‚


Ok, I know this site doesn’t look good in anything else than MS Internet Explorer! That’s because I was a bit too eager to get it up. I’m redoing the entire site using only tables instead of layers and frames. Then it’ll look cool in NS and Mozilla!

I’m also gonna update the “Eden Memorial” alot over the next few days. But I just got the new Star Wars game, Jedi Knight II, so I’ll be a bit busy with that for a while. Also, it’s easter time which means back to my parents for the looong weekend and the F1 race from Brasil. I’ll update again asap.


I’ve finally got some motivation and inspiration (translate – “Kris found a good, nice and easily adaptable design that he’s gonna steal”) to start on a new design for the pretty low-key’d site. Also working on a little memorial for my friend. Hey, we all deal with this our way!
Just got my web-statistics report. I’ve had about 500 people checking in on this page daily since February 25th. Thanx everyone!


Ok, so what’s happened since I last updated this page… not much. As usual! The free Guestbook that have worked so well isn’t working at all anymore, so I had to go over to a new free guestbook service. Feel free to sign in!
My favorite Formula-1 driver, M. Schumacher, won the World Championship and I won 1.000 SEK since I knew he would ๐Ÿ™‚ Also updated my “Who am I?” page to make me look better. And it’s not for show, I actually am a member of the Red Cross and Amnesty. Hope to expand that pretty soon but hey, I wanna enjoy my hard-earned money myself a little too!


Not much happening here. I was out partying with Henrik, Janne and Jocke again last satuday and ended up trying to get from one twilight zone (aka Brandbergen) to another (aka Lyngsta) at 6 am with a bit too much to drink. I finally got home at about 8.30 and soaking wet, but man did we have fun! The project to upgrade everything here to Flash is scrapped untill I get my hands on the new Flash 5, but I’ll update bio and “about me” section.


I just realised I hadn’t updated this for a while, so I thought I’d just leave a note here saying that I’m still alive and kicking! I’m also doing a Flash version of my domain. Most of it anyway, not the Star Trek pages since they are too big. But I’m working on it!


The old Natalie Portman dedication wasn’t good enough. So I did a new one ๐Ÿ™‚ This time the entire homepage is included in the Flash animation with a menu, and of course a song. This time it’s one of the most beautiful songs ever – “Det Vackraste” by Cecilia Vennersten. It’s in swedish but the music and her voice tells the story, not the lyrics. Anyway, check it out here.


I’ve gotten some complaints that I don’t have any stuff or any interesting things on this site. Well I’m sorry, but this is “my very own domain”, and mostly it contains info about me and some very few special others, so you can complain all you want, but this is my place.

So what’s new in my life? Not much I’m afraid, trying to keep everything rolling at work. Other than that, Sweden was knocked out of the European Championship in soccer. Surprise? Not very… But on the upside, Schumacher won the Canadian Formula-1 GP ๐Ÿ™‚


I got a couple of “sure you know Nat’s real name” letters. But now I can prove it. If you do a Yahoo search on her real name, “My Dedication to Natalie Portman” is the first page that will come up. During the very, very booring weekend I had I finished a Flash-anim dedication to Natalie. You can find that here. As I said, this weekend was very booring, but it was a long time ago that I had a weekend without any plans whatsoever (except the Monaco GP).


Yeah, I’m finally 25 years old, or as my brother-in-law called me, “quarter of a century”.  And this was a super slow day at work, let me tell you! Thank god for MP3 ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve started a small flash dedication to Natalie. Mostly I needed to learn the program, but I hope you’ll like it. And speaking of Portman, the extended version of “Lรฉon” is coming out on Region 1 DVD in august. YEAH!


Sorry I haven’t written anything here, but you see…. nothings been happening in my life. I’VE GOT NO LIFE! Damn!

Anyways, tonight we’re gonna party! We’re going on Silja Festival boat to ร…land for a 24 hour cruise and I’m probably gonna be sorry tomorrow morning. And another victory for the great Internet – a guy at work challenged me to find a bit of information on the net, specifically Natalies last name. Kris + Internet 1 point, and $50 bucks richer!

I know there’s a big “invasion of privacy” issue involved in that undertaking, but to my defense I only used public databases, and also I’m a firm believer in “informations wants freedom”. and the info stays with me! So no, don’t ask for it. If I can do it so could you if you really care that much.


Had a totally boring day at work, so I updated the menu and fixed the CSS. That’s how boring this is.
If it wasn’t for “Stรคddagen” wednesdays are way too BORING !